Dr. Nadeem Modan and Dr. Serena Zhou-Talbert
OIA Global Health Scholars
Residents in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine
Thursday, May 18, 2017
UNC Hospital Starbucks Conference room (upstairs)
View Lecture:
View Powerpoint: Where there is no Doctor. GHF ppt
Nadeem Modan Biography:
Nadeem is a second year resident in Emergency Medicine at UNC. He completed his medical degree at Dartmouth Medical School, and his undergraduate education at Wesleyan University. He has a passion for social justice, and to that end, has worked on many sustainable community service projects over the past decade. He has worked on issues as diverse as hunger, literacy, economic development, and healthcare access, both in the US and in India. Additionally, he is the Founder and Executive Director of an international nonprofit organization called IndoAmerican Volunteer Networks. With support from UNC Global Health Scholars Program, he is working to establish Community Health Worker programs across India addressing both rural acute care and pediatrics.
Serena Zhou-Talbert Biography:
Serena Zhou-Talbert, MD, MPH, is a second year resident in the Department of Family Medicine. Originally from China, Serena completed her undergraduate studies at Johns Hopkins University. Following her time in Baltimore, she spent 13 months in Ecuador working as a Program Director for Manna Project International specializing in asset-based community development. She then completed her MPH with a focus on Global Health Leadership and Management at the University of Southern California, and her MD at Michigan State University as part of their Leadership in Medicine for the Underserved Track. Her broad interests include global public health, women’s health, integrative medicine, and racial and ethnic health disparities. She recently traveled to Nicaragua with AMOS Health & Hope working on a breastfeeding project and is currently leading a research study assessing risk and perception of the Zika virus amongst Latina women at her clinic in PHS Prospect Hill