BS, 2008, Guilford College (Greensboro, NC)
PhD, 2013, UNC Computer Science
Postdoc, 2013-2018, UNC Genetics
Basic Science Gastroenterology T32 Fellow, 2016-2018, Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease (UNC)
Research Assistant Professor, 2018-2024, UNC Genetics
Dr. Wang’s lab applies high-performance computational methods and novel high-throughput sequencing approaches to advance precision personalized medicine with a focus on molecular diagnostics in cancer and infectious diseases. The lab broadly aims to develop, validate, and implement nanopore sequencing-based molecular diagnostic tools enabling comprehensive genomic characterization of pediatric and adult cancers. Current work focuses on using low-cost nanopore RNA- and DNA-sequencing to enable comprehensive molecular characterization of pediatric acute leukemias and solid tumors in low-resource settings where traditional diagnostic infrastructure is unavailable. Making a meaningful contribution to personalized medicine requires highly collaborative multidisciplinary science. As such, the lab works closely with clinical, translational, basic science, and computational collaborators at UNC and around the world.