PPMH has launched a new elective course for UNC medical students: Genomic & Precision Medicine (MEDI 455). The 4-week elective explores how innovations in cutting-edge technology & systems-based thinking can be applied to improve patient outcomes in the health care system. A deep dive into genomic science and technology and emerging trends in precision medicine defines the promises offered and challenges to overcome. The elective also touches on how we can prevent new technologies from perpetuating health care disparities.
The course lead faculty are Jonathan Berg, MD/PhD, and Kristy Lee, CGC. Additional instructors include Mike Adams MD, Creede Caldwell, Amber Cipriani PharmD, Kelly Gilmore CGC, Shannon Gray PhD, Jason Merker MD/PhD, Tamara Roman PhD, Tam Sneddon DPhil, Bjoernar Tuftin MSc, and Neeta Vora MD. Two students enrolled in the elective during September – October 2024. After starting with an introduction to clinical genetics & genomics, they studied variant interpretation, pharmacogenomics, tumor profiling, and precision medicine. Students gave end-of-course presentations on variant interpretation, an All of Us research project, and a clinical decision support research project.
The elective will be offered again in February 2025.To enroll, contact Sabrina Powell (sabrina_powell@med.unc.edu).