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You may be able to participate if:Multicultural women.jpg

  1. You are between 20-50
  2. You have been diagnosed by your doctor with VVS and/or experience pain in the vaginal region upon contact (e.g. intercourse, tampon insertion, pelvic pain). Or you have no prior history of pain with intercourse or pain on contact
  3. You are premenopausal and NOT pregnant

Study Overview

  • The research study involves undergoing sensory testing and modified gynecological exam
  • It will require 1 visit at UNC School of Dentistry and 1 visit at UNC Women’s Hospital
  • Participants will receive up to $130 for complete participation


Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS), the most common type of chronic vulvovaginal pain, impairs the psychological, physical, and reproductive health of nearly 1 in 10 women at some point in their lifetime. The cause of VVS is not clearly understood and current treatments are only slightly effective.

The purpose of this research study is to learn how VVS develops so that in the future, better treatments can be found. In the study, we plan to:

  1. Evaluate a modified algometer (pressure sensing instrument) designed to measure how sensitive your vulvar skin is to pain caused by pressure.
  2. Evaluate a modified algometer (pressure sensing instrument) designed to measure how sensitive your pelvic floor muscles are to pain caused by pressure.
  3. Examine the relationship between mucosal and muscle sensitivity among women with VVS and those whom are pain free.