Working with PRU
- Use of the RU requires an approved animal use application from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Send a pdf of the complete application you plan to use when contacting the PRU to request services. The application is reviewed in light of your service request and detailed information regarding any required IACUC amendments will be returned to you for action. Best practice is to include the PRU in the initial application writing and submission to prevent later delays. This is particularly important for work that requires surgeries or other highly technical procedures.
- The PRU is included in section 1.3 of each IACUC application. This section is generated by checking the box asking “Will you be using the services of a UNC Core Facility or will procedures be performed under the protocol of another UNC PI?” in the addendum checklist within ACAP.
- Upon IACUC approval we can discuss scheduling. Scheduling requires:
- A completed application (email for application)
- Please provide detailed information about the services you are requesting. This information helps ensure we are performing the study according to your specifications.
- It is strongly encouraged to discuss sample collection with the Pathology Services Core before study initiation to ensure tissue collections are done in a manner consistent with the research question you are proposing.
- A completed application (email for application)
- Principal Investigator’s Name and PID number
- Complete account chart-field for billing
- All technical services are offered as hourly rates:
Service UNC-CH External Academic Corporate - Technician Time
$45.00 $82.00 $165.00 - Colony Management
$32.00 $68.00 $137.00 - Imaging (Bio/Flu)
$110.00 $262.00 $262.00 - Cassette Printing
$2.00 $12.00 $25.00 - NSG Mice
$68.00 $109.00 $217.00 - Nu/nu mice
$46.00 $77.00 $152.00 - Cell Preparation
$71.00 $110.00 $221.00 - GEMM Mice
$88.00 $208.00 $250.00 - Tattoo
$4.00 $10.00 $22.00 - Scientific Consultant Rate
$87.00 $135.00 $270.00 - Advanced Technical Rate
$91.00 $141.00 $243.00
- Any cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will incur a pro-rated charge dependent on whether the time slot can be filled with other work requests.
External Clients
To facilitate a broad scope of research efforts, we work closely with UNC’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) to create research service agreements and requisite material transfer agreements. Please contact to initiate a discussion.