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Bioinformatics and Research Data Librarian, Barrie Hayes shared the following ..

Some of you may be interested in attending and sharing with research colleagues this NCBI announcement of an upcoming webinar about June 1, 2021 retirement of NCBI accounts as an NCBI login method and the steps to take to prepare for the login change. Note the webinar will be recorded and posted on the NLM YouTube channel.

For context, see the earlier Important Changes to NCBI Accounts Coming in 2021 announcement from NIH/NLM/NCBI.

Note, once posted, the Health Sciences Library will add the recording link to its NIH Public Access Policy and My NCBI guides


Official NCBI Announcement

Join the NCBI staff on March 3, 2021 to learn about changes to NCBI account log ins that will affect those of you who sign in directly your NCBI account.  After June 1, 2021 you will need to log in using your institution, social media, Google, Microsoft or account username and password. In this webinar, you will learn how to register for a free account and how to link this to an existing NCBI account. You’ll also see where to find the most up-to-date information and FAQs on this topic.

We will answer a few questions from our mail bag on these changes. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please send an Email to  at with the subject line “Changes to my NCBI Log In” by February 24th.

Date and time: Wed, March 3, 2020 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM EST


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the webinar. A few days after the live presentation, you can view the recording on the NLM YouTube channel ( You can learn about future webinars on the Webinars and Courses page (