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Your UNC ID login name is called your Onyen, which stands for the Only Name You’ll Ever Need. You will use your Onyen to access the online student center (ConnectCarolina), your UNC email, and other services.

To create your Onyen, visit Onyen services and click on “Create an Onyen.” Enter your 9-digit Personal Identification (PID) Number from your online admission offer, your first and last name, date of birth, and gender. If you do not know your PID, you can find it here: What’s My PID? An Onyen will be created for you and you will be asked to create a password.

Once you have created an Onyen and Onyen password, you need to manually signup for the email service by visiting the Email Self Service Tool.

For more information, visit Office 365 Email Setup or contact the ITS Help Desk.

We will send all official university correspondence to your UNC email.

For more information, visit Office 365 Email Setup or contact the ITS Help Desk.

We will send all official university correspondence to your UNC email.

Once on campus, you can register your devices to connect to the UNC network using wired ethernet connections or set up your device to use the Eduroam WiFi network.