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Stephanie Downs-Canner Receives 2020-2021 Craver Medical Student Teaching Award

August 26, 2021
It is with great pleasure we announce that Dr. Stephanie Downs-Canner, Assistant Professor in the Division of Surgical Oncology has been chosen by the Academy of Educators as the recipient of the 2020-2021 Craver Medical Student Teaching Award. Joseph M. Craver, M.D. ’67, a retired Thoracic Surgeon in Atlanta, GA,...

Joshua Herb Receives Pope Clinical Trainee Award

June 4, 2021
Dr. Joshua Herb, General Surgery Resident, was honored with a prestigious Pope Clinical Trainee Award, given to senior fellows who demonstrate excellence in cancer research and clinical care. Nominations for this competitive selection are voted on by all Department Chairs and Division Chiefs of cancer-related clinical and research areas. The...

Jihane Jadi: 2021 George F. Sheldon, MD Leadership Award Recipient

March 17, 2021
Congratulations to Jihane Jadi, the 2021 George F. Sheldon, MD, Leadership Award Recipient. Since 2000, the Department of Surgery has recognized a fourth-year medical student who demonstrates outstanding academic and clinical achievement, and who possesses personal characteristics that promise a future leadership role in surgery. Originally named the Hugh Williamson...

Gita Mody Wins One of Only Four Faculty Research Fellowship Awards From the American College of Surgeons

February 23, 2021
Congratulations Gita Mody, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery. The American College of Surgeons and its Scholarship Program Committee announced Dr. Mody, as one of only four Faculty Research Fellowship award recipients for 2022-2024. “Receiving the American College of Surgeons Faculty Research Fellowship Award...

Stephanie Lumpkin Receives One of 2020’s Prestigious Pope Clinical Trainee Awards

December 16, 2020
Dr. Stephanie Lumpkin, General Surgery Resident has been selected to receive one of 2020’s prestigious Pope Clinical Trainee Awards. Supported by the John William Pope Foundation, awardees are named by the University of North Carolina’s Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center with nominations voted on by all Department Chairs and Division Chiefs of cancer-related...

Congratulations Stephanie Gray, MD, General Surgery Resident PGY5, Class of 2000 Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient

August 19, 2020
Stephanie Gray, MD, General Surgery Resident, has been selected by the Class of 2021 as this year’s Surgery Intern recipient of The Class of 2000 Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award. This award honors the interns and residents deemed by the third year class to be the most outstanding in each...

Congratulations Audrey Khoury, MD, CT Surgery Resident, Class of 2000 Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient

August 10, 2020
Audrey Khoury, MD, CT Surgery Resident, has been selected by the Class of 2021 as this year’s Surgery Intern recipient of The Class of 2000 Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award. This award honors the interns and residents deemed by the third year class to be the most outstanding in each...