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Matthew Eckert, MD and Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Joins the General, Acute Care, and Trauma Surgery Division

October 21, 2020
Matthew Eckert, MD, joins the UNC Department of Surgery as an Assistant Professor in the Division of General, Acute Care, and Trauma Surgery. He sat down to discuss what inspired him to become not only a doctor but a trauma surgeon and his motivation for getting up each day, saving...

Ian Kratzke, MD, is the Inaugural Recipient of the Erle E. Peacock, Jr., MD Award

October 12, 2020
The Department of Surgery is pleased to announce that Dr. Ian Kratzke, one of our general surgery residents, is the inaugural recipient of the Erle E. Peacock, Jr., MD Award. This annual award supports the education and career development of a resident or faculty member in the UNC Department of...

Trista Reid Wins FY20 Carolina Care Award

October 6, 2020
Trista Reid, MD, Assistant Professor in the Division of General, Acute Care, and Trauma was selected for the Inpatient Carolina Care Multi-Level Rounding Award! Congratulations to Dr. Reid on this amazing honor.

Congratulations Stephanie Gray, MD, General Surgery Resident PGY5, Class of 2000 Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient

August 19, 2020
Stephanie Gray, MD, General Surgery Resident, has been selected by the Class of 2021 as this year’s Surgery Intern recipient of The Class of 2000 Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award. This award honors the interns and residents deemed by the third year class to be the most outstanding in each...