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What will be involved?

Your first visit will consist of a consultation, in which you will meet with the study coordinator. The study coordinator will obtain some medical information to ensure that you qualify, and go over the study details and consent forms with you. If you decide to participate, you will sign the consent forms, and the study coordinator may give you an ovulation predictor kit (urine test kit), that you will be instructed to use at a specific time during your menstrual cycle. Depending on your cycle length and assigned cycle phase, you will come in to the clinic a specific number of days after a positive test kit for a blood draw. Approximately 40ml of blood will be obtained (4 tubes).

What are the side effects/risks?

Local pain, discomfort and bruising may be associated with having your blood drawn. Uncommon risks include the possibility of infection at the site of venipuncture.

What will I receive for participating?

You will receive a $25 check at your last study visit, when you have your blood drawn. You will be provided a 1hr parking pass if necessary at the time of each study visit.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.