Congratulations to Angela B. Smith, MD, MS, FACS on being presented with one of this year’s Best of BCAN awards at the 2019 Bladder Cancer Summit for Patients and Families.
Dr. Smith has been actively engaged with BCAN for several years, serving on the BCAN Scientific Advisory Board and leading two Engagement Awards from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) incorporating the BCAN Patient Survey Network in the research prioritization process and creating a research training curriculum to empower patient partners in bladder cancer research. Based on this work, PCORI identified treatment options for patients with BCG-refractory bladder cancer as a research priority and Dr. Smith is now co-Principal Investigator on the PCORI Large Pragmatic Study, Comparison of Intravesical Therapy and Surgery as Treatment Options for Bladder Cancer (CISTO). Additionally, she is leading a third PCORI Engagement Award supporting the next phase of this work, creating additional resources to support further engagement of patient partners in bladder cancer research.
This week, @angiesmith_uro of @UNC received a Best of BCAN award at our annual Summit for Patients and Families, #BCANSummit19. See her inspiring words upon accepting the award here:
— Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (@BladderCancerUS) October 10, 2019
Congratulations to @angiesmith_uro, recipient of a 2019 Best of BCAN award, presented at #BCANSummit19.
— Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (@BladderCancerUS) October 10, 2019
Angela B. Smith, MD, MS, FACS
Director of Urologic Oncology
Associate Professor of Urology
About the Bladder Cancer Summit
In 2016, BCAN held its first Bladder Cancer Summit with the goal of bringing together the bladder cancer community to educate, engage, and energize patients and caregivers. One of the highlights of the Summit is the Best of BCAN Awards which recognizes volunteer excellence and commitment to the bladder cancer community.
This year’s Bladder Cancer Summit was held on October 4th and 5th and offered sessions providing information on recent medical advances and how patient advocates can engage in research and help to change the diagnosis and treatment landscape for all bladder cancer patients.
About BCAN
BCAN was founded in 2005 and is the only national advocacy organization devoted to advancing bladder cancer research and supporting those impacted by the disease.
BCAN is on the front-lines advocating for greater public awareness and increased funding for research to identify effective treatments and eventually, a cure for bladder cancer. Learn More About BCAN