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Examining person and environment factors associated with community participation for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

This study combines innovative Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) measures to describe real-time community integration activities of adults with ASD living with family or in a group home, and investigates critical person and environmental factors associated with participation. These results will be combined with adult outcome survey data to ex … Read more

Screening and Intervention to Reduce Falls in Older Adults in Primary Care

An estimated one of three adults over 65 years of age falls each year, and this proportion increases to one in two by the age of 80 years. Falls are extremely costly, both in terms of the economic burden on society and the physical, financial, and emotional toll on the individual and his/her family. By 2020, the total cost of falls among older adults is projected to reach $43 bil … Read more

Tiny Homes Community

In the United States, there is a lack of safe and affordable housing for individuals with mental illness. Consequently, on any given night, approximately 200,000 people with mental illness are homeless (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2011). The absence of stable housing contributes to social isolation and is barrier to occupational participation and community i … Read more

TEACCH School Transition to Employment and Post-Secondary Education Program

As the number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) rises, there will be an increasingly large adult population for whom the challenges of gaining productive, long-term employment will likely overwhelm our current adult service programs. Current employment rates for individuals with ASD are low, with only 18% of young adults with ASD reported to be involved in … Read more

Variation in Sweat Testing Analysis: PTC VISTA

Sweat chloride determinations are used to confirm the diagnosis of CF and also serve as a biomarker for CFTR gene function in clinical trials using protein modulation therapy. Currently, there is uncertainty surrounding the appropriate degree of change in sweat chloride concentrations which reflects a positive response to an investigational drug. Being able to assess a meaningful … Read more

The importance of anterior center of mass velocity during gait on energy cost following stroke

Energy efficiency is a hallmark of healthy human walking, but can become impaired when the legs do not provide symmetric push-off. Our recent analysis of gait following stroke has identified a consistent mechanical asymmetry between the limbs, which is analogous to driving a car by alternatively slamming on the gas, then the brake with each step. Like poor gas mileage in a car, w … Read more

Validity of three slep tracking devices to determine sleep duration and detect sleep stages: an evaluation against Type I attended (in-laboratory) polysomnography

The public health significance of sleep disorders is substantial, accounting for hundreds of billions of dollars each year in direct medical costs. Sleep disorders increase risk of neurocognitive and cardiovascular morbidity and premature death. They also impair daily performance, increase pain sensitivity and decrease quality of life. Much of this disease burden could be averted … Read more