Recent publications:
Comparative study of simulated nebulized and spray particle deposition in chronic rhinosinusitis patients. Farzal Z, Basu S, Burke A, Fasanmade OO, Lopez EM, Bennett WD, Ebert CS Jr, Zanation AM, Senior BA, Kimbell JS. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2019 Jul;9(7):746-758. doi: 10.1002/alr.22324. Epub 2019 Mar 1.
Effect of ivacaftor on mucociliary clearance and clinical outcomes in cystic fibrosis patients with G551D-CFTR. Donaldson SH, Laube BL, Corcoran TE, Bhambhvani P, Zeman K, Ceppe A, Zeitlin PL, Mogayzel PJ Jr, Boyle M, Locke LW, Myerburg MM, Pilewski JM, Flanagan B, Rowe SM, Bennett WD.JCI Insight. 2018 Dec 20;3(24). pii: 122695. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.122695.
Radiolabeling an Electronic Cigarette Aerosol Using Technetium Carbon Ultrafine Particles. Holbrook LT, Zeman KL, Burke A, Jaspers I, Bennett WD. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 2019 Feb;32(1):47-53. doi: 10.1089/jamp.2017.1442. Epub 2018 Oct 30
Hypertonic saline has a prolonged effect on mucociliary clearance in adults with cystic fibrosis. Trimble AT, Whitney Brown A, Laube BL, Lechtzin N, Zeman KL, Wu J, Ceppe A, Waltz D, Bennett WD, Donaldson SH. J Cyst Fibros. 2018 Sep;17(5):650-656. doi: 10.1016/j.jcf.2018.01.001. Epub 2018 Jan 20.
- Bennett WD, Zeman KL, Laube BL, Wu J, Sharpless G, Mogayzel PJ Jr, Donaldson SH. Homogeneity of Aerosol Deposition and Mucociliary Clearance are Improved Following Ivacaftor Treatment in Cystic Fibrosis. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. Vol. 31, No. 4, August 2018: 204-211. doi: 10.1089/ jamp.2017.1388.
- Burbank AJ, Duran CG, Pan Y, Burns P, Jones S, Jiang Q, Yang C, Jenkins S, Wells H, Alexis N, Kesimer M, Bennett WD, Zhou H, Peden DB, Hernandez ML. Gamma tocopherol-enriched supplement reduces sputum eosinophilia and endotoxin-induced sputum neutrophilia in volunteers with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Apr;141(4):1231-1238. doi: 10.1016/ j.jaci.2017.06.029.
- Zeman KL, Rojas Balcazar J, Fuller F, Donn KH, Boucher RC, Bennett WD, Donaldson SH. A Trans-Nasal Aerosol Delivery Device for Efficient Pulmonary Deposition. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 2017 Aug;30(4):223-229. doi: 10.1089/jamp.2016.1333.
- Sá RC, Zeman KL, Bennett WD, Prisk GK, Darquenne C.Regional Ventilation Is the Main Determinant of Alveolar Deposition of Coarse Particles in the Supine Healthy Human Lung During Tidal Breathing. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 2017 Oct;30(5):322-331. doi: 10.1089/jamp.2016.1336.
- Alexis NE, Bennett WD, Peden DB. Safety and Benefits of Inhaled Hypertonic Saline Following Airway Challenges with Endotoxin and Allergen in Asthmatics. J Asthma. 2017 Nov;54(9):957-960. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2016.1278019.
- Bennett WD, Ivins S, Alexis NE, Wu J, Bromberg PA, Brar SS, Travlos G, London SJ. Effect of Obesity on Acute Ozone-Induced Changes in Airway Function, Reactivity, and Inflammation in Adult Females. PLoS One. 2016 Aug 11;11(8):e0160030. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160030.
- Bennett WD, Kala A, Duckworth H, Zeman K, Wu J, Henderson A, Yopp M, Rubin B, Effect Of A Single 1200 Mg Dose Of Mucinex® On Mucociliary And Cough Clearance During An Acute Respiratory Tract Infection, 2015 Nov;109(11):1476-83.
- Anderson WH, Coakley RD, Button B, Henderson AG, Zeman KL, Alexis NE, Peden DB, Lazarowski ER, Davis CW, Bailey S, Fuller F, Almond M, Qaqish B, Bordonali E, Rubinstein M, Bennett WD, Kesimer M, Boucher RC. The Relationship of Mucus Concentration (Hydration) to Mucus Osmotic Pressure and Transport in Chronic Bronchitis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Jul 15;192(2):182-90.
- Sá RC, Zeman KL, Bennett WD, Prisk GK, Darquenne C. Effect of Posture on Regional Deposition of Coarse Particles in the Healthy Human Lung. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 2015 Dec;28(6):423-31.
- Bennett WD, Wu J, Fuller F, Balcazar JR, Zeman KL, Duckworth H, Donn KH, O’Riordan TG, Boucher RC, Donaldson SH. Duration of Action of Hypertonic Saline on Mucociliary Clearance in the Normal Lung. J Appl Physiol Jun 15;118(12):1483-90, 2015.
- Bennett WD, Xie M, Zeman K, Hurd H, Donaldson S. Heterogeneity of Particle Deposition by Pixel Analysis of 2D Gamma Scintigraphy Images. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. Jun;28(3):211-8, 2015.
- Bennett WD, Alexis NE, Almond M, Herbst M, Zeman KL, Peden DB. Effect of Inhaled Endotoxin on Mucociliary Clearance and Airway Inflammation in Mild Smokers and Nonsmokers. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 27(6): 459-465, 2014.
- Hazucha MJ, Bromberg PA, Lay JC, Bennett W, Zeman K, Alexis NE, Kehrl H, Rappold AG, Cascio WE, Devlin RB. Pulmonary responses in current smokers and ex-smokers following a two hour exposure at rest to clean air and fine ambient air particles. Part Fibre Toxicol. 18;10(1):58, 2013.
- Darquenne C, Zeman KL, Sá RC, Cooper TK, Fine JM, Bennett WD, Prisk GK. Removal of sedimentation decreases relative deposition of coarse particles in the lung periphery. J Appl Physiol 15;115(4):546-55, 2013.
- Geiser M, Lay JC, Bennett WD, Zhou H, Wang X, Peden DB, Alexis NE. Effects of ex vivo γ-Tocopherol on Airway Macrophage Function in Healthy and Mild Allergic Asthmatics. J Innate Immun. 5(6):613-24, 2013.
- Bennett WD, Laube BL, Corcoran T, Zeman K, Sharpless G, Thomas K, Wu J, Mogayzel PJ Jr, Pilewski J, Donaldson S. Multisite comparison of mucociliary and cough clearance measures using standardized methods. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 26(3):157-64, 2013.
- Zeman KL, Wu J, Donaldson SH, Bennett WD. Comparison of 133 xenon ventilation equilibrium scan (XV) and 99m technetium transmission (TT) scan for use in regional lung analysis by 2D Gamma scintigraphy in healthy and cystic fibrosis lungs. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 26(2):94-100, 2013.
- Bennett WD, Herbst M, Zeman KL, Wu J, Hernandez ML, Peden DB.Effect of inhaled endotoxin on regional particle deposition in patients with mild asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 131(3):912-3, 2013.
- Hua X, Naselsky WC, Bennett WD, Ledent C, Senior BA, Tilley SL. Adenosine increases nasal mucociliary clearance rate in mice through A(2A) and A(2B) adenosine receptors.Laryngoscope 123(2):306-10, 2013.
- Clunes LA, Davies CM, Coakley RD, Aleksandrov AA, Henderson AG, Zeman KL, Worthington EN, Gentzsch M, Kreda SM, Cholon D, Bennett WD, Riordan JR, Boucher RC, Tarran R. Cigarette smoke exposure induces CFTR internalization and insolubility, leading to airway surface liquid dehydration. FASEB J. 26(2):533-45, 2012.
- Tiffin NH, Zeman KL and Bennett WD. Efficacy and variability of aerosol delivery from portable DC-powered compressor/nebulizer systems. Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 47(1):28-33, 2011.
- Bennett WD, Herbst, M, Alexis NE, Zeman KL, Wu J, Hernandez ML, and Peden DB. Effect of Inhaled Dust-Mite Allergen on Regional Particle Deposition and Mucociliary Clearance in Allergic Asthmatics. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 41(12):1719-28, 2011.
- Zeman KL, Wu J, Bennett WD. Targeting aerosolized drugs to the conducting airways using very large particles and extremely slow inhalations. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 23(6):363-9, 2010.
- Hua X, Zeman KL, Zhou B, Hua Q, Senior BA, Tilley SL, Bennett WD. Non-invasive Real-time Measurement of Nasal Mucociliary Clearance in Mice by Pinhole Gamma Scintigraphy. J Appl Physiol. 108(1):189-96, 2010.
- Möller W, Meyer G, Scheuch G, Kreyling WG, Bennett WD. Left-to-Right Asymmetry of Aerosol Deposition after Shallow Bolus Inhalation Depends on Lung Ventilation. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 22(4):333-9, 2009.
- Lay JC, Alexis NE, Zeman KL, Peden DB, and Bennett WD. In-vivo Uptake of Inhaled Particles by Airway Phagocytes is Enhanced in Mild Asthmatics Compared to Normal Volunteers. Thorax. Vol. 64 (4):313-320, 2009.
- Bennett WD, KL Zeman, and AM Jarabek. Nasal contribution to breathing and fine particle deposition in children vs. adults. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, 71: 227–237, 2008.
Donaldson SH, Corcoran TE, Laube BL, Bennett WD. Mucociliary clearance as an outcome measure for cystic fibrosis clinical research. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2007 Aug 1;4(4):399-405
- Bennett WD, MJ Hazucha, Folinsbee LJ, Bromberg PA, Kissling GE, and London SJ. Acute pulmonary function response to ozone in young adults as a function of body mass index. Inhalation Toxicology 2007 19(14):1147-1154.
- Sawyer K, JS Brown, MJ Hazucha, and WD Bennett. The Effect of Exercise on Nasal Uptake of Ozone in Healthy Human Adults.J Appl Physiol, 2007, 102:1380-1386.
- Alexis NE, Soukup J, Zeman KL, Lay JC, Bennett WD, Peden DB, Devlin R, and S Becker. Biological Material on Inhaled Coarse Fraction Particulate Matter Activate Airway Phagocytes In Vivo in Healthy Volunteers. J Allergy Clin Immun 2006 Jun; 117(6):1396-403.
- Zeman KL and WD Bennett. Growth of the small airways and alveoli from childhood to the adult lung measured by aerosol-derived airway morphometry. J Appl Physiol, 2006; 100: 965 – 971.
- Donaldson SH, Bennett WD, Zeman KL, Knowles MK, Tarran R, and RC Boucher. Mucus Clearance and Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis with Hypertonic Saline. N Eng J Med 2006;354:241-50.
- Alexis NE, Lay JC, Zeman KL, Geiser M, Kapp N, and WD Bennett. In Vivo Particle Uptake by Airway Macrophages in Healthy Volunteer. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2006 Mar;34(3):305-13.
- Bennett WD, Almond MA, Zeman KL, Johnson JG, and JF Donohue. Effect of salmeterol on mucociliary and cough clearance in chronic bronchitis. Pulm Pharm Therap 19(2):96-100, 2006.
- Bennett WD and KL Zeman. Effect of race on fine particle deposition for oral and nasal breathing. Inhalation Toxicology: 17(12):641-8, 2005.
- Bennett WD and KL Zeman. Effect of body size on breathing pattern and fine particle deposition in children. J Appl Physiol 97:821-826, 2004.
- Brown JS and WD Bennett. Deposition of coarse particles in cystic fibrosis: model predictions vs. experimental results. J Aerosol Med 17(3): 239-248, 2004.
- Bennett WD, Zeman KL, and A Jarabek. Nasal contribution to breathing with exercise: effect of race and gender. J Appl Physiol 95: 497-503, 2003.
- Lay JC, Stang MR, Fisher PE, Yankaskas JR, and WD Bennett. Airway retention of materials of different solubility following local intrabronchial deposition in dogs. J Aerosol Med 16(2):153-166, 2003.
- Sood N, WD Bennett, K Zeman, J Brown, C Foy, RC Boucher, and MR Knowles. Increasing concentration of inhaled saline with or without amiloride: Effect on mucociliary clearance in normal subjects. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 167:158-163, 2003.
- Brown JS, Zeman KL, and WD Bennett. Ultrafine particle deposition and clearance in the healthy and obstructed lung. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 166:1240-1247, 2002.
- Brown, JS, KL Zeman, and WD Bennett. Regional deposition of coarse particles and ventilation distribution in healthy subjects and patients with cystic fibrosis. J Aerosol Med 14:443-454, 2001.
- Alexis NE, Hu SC, Zeman K, Alter T, and WD Bennett. Induced Sputum Derives From the Central Airways: Confirmation Using a Radiolabeled Aerosol Bolus Delivery Technique. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 164:1964-1970, 2001.
- Lay JC, Zeman KL, Ghio AJ, and WD Bennett. Effects of inhaled iron oxide particles on alveolar epithelial permeability. Inhalation Toxicology 13:1065-1078, 2001.
- Bennett WD, Zeman KL, Foy C, Shaffer C, Johnson F, Regnis J, Sannuti A, J Johnson. Effect of aerosolized Uridine 5’-Triphosphate on mucociliary clearance in mild chronic bronchitis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 164:302-306, 2001.
- Brown JS, Kim CS, Reist P, Zeman KL, and WD Bennett. Generation of radiolabelled “soot-like” ultrafine aerosols suitable for use in human inhalation studies. Aerosol Sci and Tech 32:325-337, 2000.
- Regnis JA, Zeman KL, Noone PG, Knowles MR, and WD Bennett. Prolonged airway retention of insoluble particles in cystic fibrosis vs. primary ciliary dyskinesia. Exp Lung Res 26 (3):149-162, 2000.
- Zeman KL, Scheuch G, Sommerer K, Brown JS, and WD Bennett. In-vivo characterization of transitional bronchioles by aerosol-derived airway morphometry. J Appl Physiol 87(3):920, 1999.
- Kerem E, Bistritzer T, Hanukoglu A, Hofmann T, Zhou Z, Bennett WD, MacLaughlin E, Barker P, Nash M, Quittell L, Boucher R, and MR Knowles. Pulmonary epithelial sodium-channel dysfunction and excess airway liquid in pseudohypoaldosteronism. New England J Med 341:156-162, 1999.
- Noone PG, WD Bennett, JA Regnis, KL Zeman, JL Carson, M King, RC Boucher, and MR Knowles. Effect of aerosolized uridine-5′-triphoshate (UTP) on airway clearance with cough in patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 160:144-149, 1999.
- Lay JC, WD Bennett, AJ Ghio, PA Bromberg, DL Costa, CS Kim, HS Koren, and RB Devlin. Cellular and biochemical response of the human lung following intrapulmonary instillation of ferric oxide particles. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 20:631-642, 1999.
- Bennett WD, G Scheuch, KL Zeman, JS Brown, C Kim, J Heyder, and W Stahlhofen. Regional deposition and retention of particles in inhaled boli: effect of lung volume. J Appl Physiol 86:168-173,1999.
- Brown JS, Gerrity TR, and WD Bennett. Effect of ventilation distribution on aerosol bolus dispersion and recovery. J Appl Physiol 85(6):2112-2117, 1998.
- Bennett WD and KL Zeman. Deposition of fine particles in children spontaneously breathing at rest. Inhalation Toxicology 10:831-842, 1998.
- Bennett WD, G Scheuch, KL Zeman, JS Brown, C Kim, J Heyder, and W Stahlhofen. Bronchial airway deposition and retention of particles in inhaled boli: effect of anatomic dead space. J Appl Physiol 85:685-694, 1998.
- Lay JC, WD Bennett, CS Kim, RB Devlin, and PA Bromberg. Retention and intracellular distribution of instilled iron oxide particles in human alveolar macrophages. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 18:687-695, 1998.
- Bennett WD, Zeman KL, Kang CW, and MS Schechter. Extrathoracic deposition of inhaled, coarse particles (4.5um) in children vs. adults. Ann Occup Hyg 41(supplement 1):497-502, 1997.
- Bennett WD, Zeman KL, Kim CS, and J Mascarella. Enhanced deposition of fine particles in COPD patients spontaneously breathing at rest. Inhalation Toxicology 9:1-14, 1997.
- Olivier KN, WD Bennett, CA Geary, KW Hohneker, KL Zeman, LJ Edwards, RC Boucher, and MR Knowles. Acute safety and effects of mucociliary clearance of aerosolized uridine 5’-triphosphate +/- amiloride in normal human adults. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 154 (1):217-223, 1996.
- Bennett WD, KN Olivier, KL Zeman, KW Hohneker, CA Geary, RC Boucher, and MR Knowles. Effect of uridine 5’-triphosphate plus amiloride on mucociliary clearance in adult cystic fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 153 (6):1796-1801, 1996.
- Bennett WD, KL Zeman and CS Kim. Variability of fine particle deposition in healthy adults: effect of age and gender. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 153 (5):1641-1647, 1996.
- Lay JC, CR Berry, CS Kim, and WD Bennett. Retention of insoluble particles following local intrabronchial deposition in dogs. J Appl Physiol 79(6):1921-1929, 1995.
- Brown JS, Gerrity TR, Bennett WD, Kim CS, and DE House. Dispersion of aerosol boluses in the human lung: dependence on lung volume, bolus volume, and gender. J Appl Physiol 79(5):1787-1795, 1995.
- Zeman KL and WD Bennett. Measuring alveolar dimensions at total lung capacity by aerosol-derived airway morphometry. J Aerosol Med 8(2):135-147, 1995.
- Knowles,MR, Olivier KN, Hohneker KW, Robinson J, Bennett WD, Boucher RC. Pharmacologic treatment of abnormal ion transport in the airway epithelium in cystic fibrosis. Chest, 107(2), Suppl.:71S-76S, 1995.
- Bennett, WD and KL Zeman. The effect of enhanced supramaximal flows on cough clearance. J Appl Physiol 77(4):1577-1583, 1994.
- Gerrity, TR, Bennett WD, Kehrl H, and DeWitt PJ. Mucociliary clearance of inhaled particles measured at two hours following ozone exposure in humans. J Appl Physiol 74(6):2984-2989, 1993.
- Bennett, WD, Chapman, WF, and JM Mascarella. The acute effect of ipratropium bromide bronchodilator therapy on cough clearance in COPD. Chest 103:488-495, 1993.
- Bennett, WD, Chapman, WF, Lay, JC, and TR Gerrity. Pulmonary clearance of inhaled particles 24 to 48 hours post deposition: Effect of beta-adrenergic stimulation. J Aerosol Med 6:53-62, 1993.
- Bennett, WD, WF Chapman and TR Gerrity. Ineffectiveness of cough for enhancing mucus clearance in asymptomatic smokers. Chest 102:412-416, 1992.
- Keefe, MJ, Bennett, WD, DeWitt, P, Strong, AA, and TR Gerrity. The effect of ozone exposure on the dispersion of inhaled aerosol boluses in healthy human subjects. Am Rev Respir Dis 144(1):23-30, 1991.
- Bennett, WD, Foster, WM, and WF Chapman. Cough enhanced mucus clearance in the normal lung. J Appl Physiol 69(5):1670-1675, 1990.
- Ilowite, J, Smaldone, GC, Perry, R, Bennett, WD, and WM Foster. The relationship between tracheobronchial clearance rates and sites of initial deposition in man. Arch Env Health 44:267-273, 1989.
- Ilowite, J, Bennett, WD, Sheets, MS, Groth ML, and DM Nierman. Permeability of the bronchial mucosa to Tc99m-DTPA in asthma. Am Rev Respir Dis 139(5):1139-1145, 1989.
- Bennett, WD and J Ilowite. Dual pathway clearance of Tc99m-DTPA from the bronchial mucosa. Am Rev Respir Dis 139(5):1132-1138, 1989.
- Smaldone, GC, Walser L, Perry RJ, Ilowite JS, Bennett WD, and Greco M. Generation and administration of aerosols for medical and physiological research studies. J Aerosol Med 2:81-87, 1989.
- Smaldone, GC, Perry, R, Bennett, WD, Messina, M, Zwang, J, J Ilowite. Interpretation of 24 hr lung retention in studies of mucociliary clearance. J Aerosol Med 1(1):11-20, 1988.
- Bennett, WD and GC Smaldone. Use of aerosols to estimate mean airspace size in COPD. J Appl Physiol 64(4):1554-1560, 1988.
- Bennett, WD and GC Smaldone. Human variation in the peripheral air-space deposition of inhaled particles. J Appl Physiol 62(4):1603-1610, 1987.
- Bennett, WD and W Mitzner. In-vivo hysteresis of airspace dimensions measured by aerosol recovery. Respir Physiol 67:85-89, 1987.
- Bennett, WD and GC Smaldone. Inspiratory vs. expiratory aerosol deposition in excised dog lungs. J Aerosol Sci 18:49-57, 1987.
- Smaldone, GC, Perry, R, Bennett, WD, Messina, M, Zwang, J, and J Ilowite. Interpretation of 24 hr lung retention in studies of mucociliary clearance. In Proceedings of Second International Aerosol Conference. Berlin, W Germany. Sept 1986, Pergamon Press (Oxford), pg 187-191.
- Bennett, WD, Messina, MS, and GC Smaldone. The effect of exercise on deposition and subsequent retention of inhaled particles. J Appl Physiol 59(4):1046-1054, 1985.
- Bennett, WD and W Mitzner. Use of aerosols to measure in-vivo volume-dependent changes in lung airspace dimensions. J Appl Physiol 59(3):875-883, 1985.