Acknowledge the CFAR
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We would be grateful if you would cite the “University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center For AIDS Research (P30AI050410)” on all publications and presentations resulting from research projects for which you have received funding, services, or mentorship through the UNC CFAR. Suggested wording is below.
All such publications must be linked to the UNC CFAR grant number (P30AI050410) during the publication process.
In addition, ALL publications resulting from CFAR Developmental funding or a CFAR Administrative Supplement MUST obtain a PMCID (different from a PMID). Many journals take care of this for authors, however, it is your responsibility to be sure that it happens, regardless of the journal. This requirement is strictly enforced by the NIH.
Direct Funding (via Developmental funds) – Partial or Entire
This research was funded in part (or in its entirety) through Developmental funding from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center For AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30AI050410.
Direct Funding (via a CFAR Administrative Supplement) – Partial or Entire
This research was funded in part (or in its entirety) through an Administrative Supplement to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center For AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30AI050410.
Resources, Infrastructure, or Services
This research was supported by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center For AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30AI050410.