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Margaret and Lorimer W. Midget Distinguished Professor Co-Director, Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease Director, Gnotobiotic Core

Research Summary

Dr. Sartor is a physician scientist, board-certified gastroenterologist with expertise in managing difficult-to-treat patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and a mucosal immunologist/microbiologist with a long-term interest in understanding mechanisms by which resident microbiota induce chronic intestinal inflammation vs. mucosal homeostasis. His research develops and investigates rodent models of chronic, immune-mediated intestinal inflammation relevant to IBD and performs clinically relevant translational studies involving IBD patients. He investigates host genetically-determined immune responses to luminal resident microbial components using gnotobiotic mice and patient-derived samples, and studies the influence of environmental factors on intestinal microbiota composition and function. He is the PI of an NIDDK-funded Program Project (P01 DK094779), PI of one of the world’s largest gnotobiotic animal facilities, 26+ year basic science T32 training grant (T32 DK00737), a previously funded P20 multidisciplinary grant using noninvasive novel imaging techniques to detect inflammation. He is involved in IBD translational research as the PI of a Helmsley Trust-sponsored research project to find microbial and genomic predictors of post-operative Crohn’s disease recurrence.

CGIBD Focus Area(s):  Microbiome

Pilot Feasibility Award 1988

Collaborators:  Azcarate, Arthur, Barnes, Bartelt, Bhatt, Carroll, Fodor, Furey, Gulati, Long, Rawls, Redinbo, Sandler, Sheikh, Steinbach, Theriot, Ting, Wang