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Press Release from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research:

In alignment with the goals of Carolina’s Strategic Research Roadmap, effective January 1, 2025, UNC core facilities will charge internal breakeven rates to all UNC System institutions.  


Carolina’s Strategic Research Roadmap, a comprehensive plan launched earlier this year, established goals to enhance UNC’s research assets and maximize the impact and value of UNC Research. This includes creating and maintaining sustainable funding models for research facilities and equipment, along with enhancing community engaged and applied research.


UNC has a diverse infrastructure of over 100 core facilities that provides services to researchers across the UNC campus and to customers external to the University, including researchers at other institutions within the UNC System.


We believe our core facilities are at the center of Carolina’s research goals, providing the opportunity to:


·       further increase research collaboration across the state

·       increase the marketability of UNC facilities to other institutions

·       provide more affordable access to services for researchers at other institutions that may not have as robust of a research infrastructure as UNC


UNC currently maintains a reciprocal agreement with NC State that allows core facilities at either university to charge internal rates to customers at the other university.  This model has been received well by both campuses and has led to increased collaboration across both research communities.


Expanding this model and extending internal rates to customers within the UNC System will increase access to UNC core facilities, promoting collaboration within research across the state and providing access and opportunities to researchers who may not otherwise have access to cutting edge technologies.


A list of UNC System institutions can be found here.  Questions about this initiative should be directed to the OVCR Research Core Development Team at