Contact Dermatitis
The UNC Dermatology Contact Dermatitis Clinic conducts patch testing to determine if the patients’ skin condition is caused by an allergic reaction to any specific substances. This process involves several patch testing visits. Upon completion of this process, the patient will be provided with the results and advised of any allergies they may have as well as how to minimize possible reoccurence.
Patients are encouraged to click here for the pre-visit frequently asked questions and instructions, and click here for post-patch visit instructions. Patients are also encouraged to complete the 3-page allergy history form (courtesy of Allerderm and T.R.U.E. Test) before their visit and bring the completed forms with them upon their visit. Links are provided in the navigational bar to the right, of the pre-visit instructions, post-visit instructions, and allergy history form.
Diseases and diagnoses treated by UNC Dermatology for Contact Dermatitis include:
- Allergic dermatitis
- Eyelid dermatitis
- Poison Ivy
- Shoe dermatitis
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