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Join the UNC Program for Precision Medicine in Health Care (PPMH) for Precision Medicine Approaches to Addressing Social Determinants of Health, a free virtual mini-symposium from 1:00-2:45pm on Wednesday June 30. Presenters will explore the complex relationships between where people live and work and their health.


It shouldn’t take a pandemic: Social determinants of health in the U.S.
Gail Henderson, PhD
Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Director, Center for Genomics & Society

Healthcare or Health? Clinicians’ Emerging Roles in Addressing Social Needs
Emily Vander Schaaf, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of General Pediatrics

Leveraging Integrated Clinical and Environmental Exposures Data to Democratize and Accelerate Open Translational Research
Karamarie Fecho, PhD
President, Copperline Professional Solutions and Research Affiliate, UNC-CH


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