By First Author
1: Abrams L, Cronister A, Brown WT, Tassone F, Sherman SL, Finucane B,
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8: Amendola LM, Berg JS, Horowitz CR, Angelo F, Bensen JT, Biesecker BB,
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PY, Lewis KL, McGuire AL, Norton ME, Ou J, Parsons DW, Powell BC, Risch N,
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9: Amendola LM, Robinson JO, Hart R, Biswas S, Lee K, Bernhardt BA, East K,
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10: Amendola LM, Dorschner MO, Robertson PD, Salama JS, Hart R, Shirts BH, Murray
ML, Tokita MJ, Gallego CJ, Kim DS, Bennett JT, Crosslin DR, Ranchalis J, Jones
KL, Rosenthal EA, Jarvik ER, Itsara A, Turner EH, Herman DS, Schleit J, Burt A,
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Gordon O, Machini K, Desnick RJ, Biesecker LG, Lubitz SA, Mulchandani S, Cooper
GM, Joffe S, Richards CS, Yang Y, Rotter JI, Rich SS, O’Donnell CJ, Berg JS,
Spinner NB, Evans JP, Fullerton SM, Leppig KA, Bennett RL, Bird T, Sybert VP,
Grady WM, Tabor HK, Kim JH, Bamshad MJ, Wilfond B, Motulsky AG, Scott CR,
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12: Bailey DB Jr, Wheeler A, Berry-Kravis E, Hagerman R, Tassone F, Powell CM,
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13: Bailey DB Jr, Lewis MA, Harris SL, Grant T, Bann C, Bishop E, Roche M, Guarda
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19: Berg JS. Exploring the importance of case-level clinical information for
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20: Berg JS, Agrawal PB, Bailey DB Jr, Beggs AH, Brenner SE, Brower AM, Cakici
JA, Ceyhan-Birsoy O, Chan K, Chen F, Currier RJ, Dukhovny D, Green RC, Harris-Wai
J, Holm IA, Iglesias B, Joseph G, Kingsmore SF, Koenig BA, Kwok PY, Lantos J,
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21: Berg JS, Foreman AK, O’Daniel JM, Booker JK, Boshe L, Carey T, Crooks KR,
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22: Berg JS, Powell CM. Potential Uses and Inherent Challenges of Using
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24: Berg JS, Amendola LM, Eng C, Van Allen E, Gray SW, Wagle N, Rehm HL, DeChene
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