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ISHTaR to me represents multiple things. The full meaning of this program is ‘Internship in Science and Health Training and Research’; this could not more perfectly condense its meaning. The science and health training took place during the shadowing part of this internship. By being present in the different departments with the different physicians, I was able to see the many parts of science and health in a medical setting. It was especially interesting to see a patient that was admitted to the Cardiac ICU after being taken to the Emergency Department on two of the days I shadowed in that department. The cooperative work of multiple departments to efficiently treat a patient showed me that a hospital is one big network with many branches, but it works for ultimately one purpose: health. All the work that even goes on within a department was also interesting to see, as multiple different people could be working together on just one patient. The remarkable attention hospital staff give patient care was reassuring to see, as you could tell they take their jobs seriously. The research was just as important to the whole of my internship. This component helped me understand much more about the work that surrounds medicine.