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Leverage Conflict to Increase Performance

Active Learning Theater, Rope Hall 150 Medical Dr, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Register early for this exclusive workshop on how to use crucial conversation tools to increase our performance and build strong teams. SOM teams are highly encouraged to attend together! Sponsored by the Office of Faculty and Leadership Development & the Dean's Office. Register Now! This event is in-person only. Target audience:  SOM faculty and staff … Read more

Cultivating Team Appreciation: Exploring the 5 Languages of Workplace Appreciation


Bring your lunch and join us for a book club-style discussion with Dawn Morriston, Associate Director of Educational Programs. Dawn will lead our group through a lively discussion based on themes from "5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace", inspired by the #1 New York Times bestseller "The 5 Love Languages®" (over 12 million copies … Read more

Translating Complex Medical Research into Plain Language Summaries


This session aims to help UNC-Chapel Hill physicians/scientists disseminate their research in a format that serves the general public and the academic community. The goal is to help experts understand that sharing plain-language summaries of medical journal publications with a broad range of audiences can improve medical research’s transparency, accountability, reach, and inclusivity. The lecture … Read more

Bridge Generations: Understanding Intergenerational Leadership


Intergenerational leadership is when people from different age groups work together. In this session you will learn how different age groups can work together, combining their unique skills and experiences. Discover how different generations bring unique skills and experiences to the table and unlock the key to intergenerational leadership. Don’t miss out on learning how … Read more