A longtime UNC Family Medicine patient, Rosetta Barbee, turned 100 years old! We celebrated with her at the UNC Family Medicine Center. Dr. Sam Weir from UNC Family Medicine cares for her and was there to welcome her to the party.
A lifelong Chapel Hill native, Rosetta has been coming to the Family Medicine Center for as long as she can remember. She has a very strong faith in God. She reported to us that she has outlived her children and her siblings and still feels pretty good! We were interested in learning about how she was able to live such a long, healthy and happy life. Here are her answers:
How did you do it?
Rosetta believe that her longevity can be attributed to her faith in God, her philosophy of being kind to everyone and taking care of those in need of care.
What advice would you give young people?
It is her golden rule to treat older people with respect and to always thank them for their wisdom.