Biographical Information
Dana Iglesias is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and was the inaugural Medical Director of the Chatham Maternity Care Center, where she still offers full-spectrum maternal care and delivery. She attends on the Family Medicine maternal and child health services and provides full-scope outpatient care.
Dr. Iglesias completed a fellowship in family practice surgical obstetrics at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and received a Master’s in Public Health from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Since finishing residency training, she has been committed to providing full-spectrum family medicine and maternity care to underserved populations in her local community. Dr. Iglesias worked for several years as a community physician in Salinas, California, and in the greater Triangle area. Her passion for international health has led her to many places across the globe. Most recently, she spent the last four years serving as Head of Department and Director of Training for Family Medicine at Egbe Hospital in rural Nigeria.
Dr. Iglesias’ interests lie in community health and development, women’s health, international health and disparities/social determinants of health.