Personal Statement
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I was born and raised in Venezuela and immigrated with my parents and sister to South Florida when I was 11 years old. Some of the best years of my life were during junior high and high school where I learned English, played soccer, and took advantage of the many opportunities I had thanks to the sacrifices of my parents.
While visiting colleges in the Spring of 2004, I encountered the best place on earth and became a Tar Heel for life! I graduated with a BS in radiological sciences from UNC in 2008 with a plan to work for a couple of years before pursuing my dream of becoming a physician. I worked at UNC Hospitals as a radiology technologist in Vascular Interventional Radiology and loved my job so much that I worked for four years before applying to medical school. When the time came, I was fortunate to attend my top choice, UNC School of Medicine.
As a medical student, I worked with several physicians from the UNC Family Medicine Program and was simply blown away by the level of care they provided for their patients, their commitment to teaching, and passion for the profession. No words can explain how grateful I am to be training here. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, I met my fellow co-residents. Residency can be difficult, but when you have a group of amazing people supporting you, it makes the challenge enjoyable.
My interests are many but most notably: Care for the underserved, medical student teaching, new models of primary care, procedures, sports medicine, and health policy.
Family Medicine
Medical Student Education, Underserved Care
Education and Training
Residency, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 06/2016 – expected completion 06/2019
MD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC School of Medicine, 08/2012 – 05/2016
BS, Radiological Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 08/2004 – 05/2008