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Research Retreat NC Botanical Gardens November 2022
The UNC Family Medicine Research Program aims to lead the nation in producing rigorous, extramurally-funded primary care and population health research. Our interdisciplinary team of clinicians, researchers, and staff work closely together—and with groups across UNC and numerous collaborating universities and organizations—to generate groundbreaking evidence with a focus on advancing the health and quality of life of diverse populations across the lifespan. We engage with key stakeholders in government, industry, and the non-profit sector to ensure that we are asking the right questions and effectively disseminating the evidence we generate to inform both policy and practice. We serve North Carolina, the country, and the global community.

Research News

  • Family Medicine, Interdisciplinary Team Receive NIH Grant for Center for Tobacco Regulatory Science

    Stark disparities remain in who uses tobacco products and their resulting health outcomes. The University of North Carolina has received a competitive, five-year grant from the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Food and Drug Administration to be one of seven Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science nationwide. UNC’s Center, titled “Advancing Tobacco Regulatory … Read more

  • Lombardi Leads New Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center

    Brianna Lombardi, Ph.D., MSW, and Family Medicine colleagues are recipients of a recently awarded $4.5 million five-year HRSA grant to form a new Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center (BHWRC) at UNC. Lombardi is the Primary Investigator and the Director of the BHWRC, which will function as a sister center to the Carolina Health Workforce Research … Read more

Our Areas of Excellence

Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

We are working to prevent infectious diseases by studying the burden of vaccine-preventable illnesses and the safety and effectiveness of vaccines; shaping policy, practice, and communication to reduce tobacco use; combating child abuse; furthering our understanding of chronic diseases and cancer; and addressing the health and long-term care needs of older adults.

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Behavioral Health

UNC Department of Family Medicine is interested in supporting the growth of the department’s behavioral health research through this special call for applications.  Projects funded under this call will facilitate future successful grant proposals focused on behavioral health.

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Erin Fraher, PhD

Organization, Financing, & Delivery of Care

Our faculty in this area are known for their expertise related to the health workforce, transition to value-based care, studies related to Medicaid and Medicare policy in North Carolina and nationwide, and the role of primary care in improving health care quality and patient outcomes.

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FMC patient residency education

Health Equity

Our faculty are working to understand how to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the health workforce; identifying determinants of disparities in tobacco use; combating disparities in the management of chronic diseases; and investigating the role of social determinants of health, insurance coverage, and sources of care as causes of health inequities.

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