Reduction and persistence of co-circulating respiratory viruses during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Jason R. Smedberg, PhD, Lauren M. DiBiase, MS, Shawn E. Hawken, PhD, MPH, Anika Allen, BS, Suniti Mohan, BS, Courtney Santos, BS, Tandy Smedberg, BA, Amir H. Barzin, DO, MS, David A. Wohl, MD, Melissa B. Miller, PhD
To evaluate the co-circulation of respiratory viruses during the SARS-CoV-2 Alpha surge, we performed a molecular respiratory panel on 1,783 nasopharyngeal swabs collected between January 15 and April 15, 2021, from symptomatic outpatients that tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 in North Carolina. Of these, 373 (20.9%) were positive for at least 1 virus tested on the panel. Among positive tests, over 90% were positive for rhinovirus and/or enterovirus, either as a single infection or coinfection, illustrating persistent co-circulation of some respiratory viruses despite active infection control measures.
Smedberg JR, DiBiase LM, Hawken SE, Allen A, Mohan S, Santos C, Smedberg T, Barzin AH, Wohl DA, Miller MB. Reduction and persistence of co-circulating respiratory viruses during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Am J Infect Control. 2022 Sep;50(9):1064-1066. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.06.008. Epub 2022 Jun 13. PMID: 35709970; PMCID: PMC9188982.
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