Sidebar: Creating a Workforce for Health: Next Steps for North Carolina
Brianna Lombardi, Erin Fraher
Years of health workforce research, policy, and funding have focused on the question: Do we have enough health care workers? This singular focus stems from a belief that an inadequate supply of health care workers limits patients’ access to health care services. Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic, in conjunction with new payment and care delivery models, is putting increased pressure on the health care system to adopt a more patient-centered approach to workforce planning aimed at improving accessto health services for individuals, populations, and communities. This approach requires redesigning our health workforce around the conditions that are plaguing our state and causing significant health disparities in maternal mortality, chronic disease, and opioid misuse and addiction. At the same time, we must also focus on prioritizing the healthand well-being of health workers themselves.
Lombardi B, Fraher E. Sidebar: Creating a Workforce for Health: Next Steps for North Carolina. N C Med J. 2022 Nov-Dec;83(6):405-406. doi: 10.18043/ncm.83.6.405. PMID: 36344093.
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