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TPEP is currently involved with 4 Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Contracts:

  • NC Youth and Young Adult Vaping Evaluation
  • Quitline
  • NC YTS

NC Youth and Young Adult Vaping Evaluation

In 2019, North Carolina was the first state to file a lawsuit against JUUL for designing, marketing, and selling e-cigarettes to young people. The lawsuit claimed JUUL intentionally targeted young people with appealing flavors, chemical composition, and product design resulting in an epidemic of vaping and nicotine addiction among young people in NC. JUUL was ordered to pay $40 million to the State over six years, with payment to be used to fund e-cigarette prevention, cessation, and research.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) has allocated a portion of the Youth Electronic Nicotine Dependence Abatement Fund for data monitoring to track tobacco and nicotine use and exposure among youth and young adults and populations at risk. The Youth Electronic Nicotine Dependence Abatement Fund was established as a non-reverting special fund by the Division of Public Health (DPH) as directed by the North Carolina General Assembly following the settlement of a lawsuit brought by the state of North Carolina against the e-cigarette manufacturer JUUL. NCDHHS contracted with TPEP to: 

  • Support analysis of youth tobacco and e-cigarette use in North Carolina
  • Identify gaps in knowledge from both youth, young adults, and adult influencers of youth
  • Evaluate effective planning and delivery of resources for prevention and cessation
  • Support youth and young adults more effectively in living tobacco-free lives. 


North Carolinians for a Tobacco-Free Generation

In 2021, UNC’s Tobacco Prevention and Evaluation Program partnered with the North Carolina Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch, and the North Carolina Alliance for Health to launch North Carolinians for a Tobacco Free Generation (NCTFG).

  • NCTFG’s mission: to educate the public and decision-makers on the harms of tobacco and secondhand smoke as well as effective policies and programs to reduce tobacco’s harm.
  • NCTFG does this by:
    • Highlighting local tobacco control efforts and policies
    • Sharing evidence-based resources and groundbreaking research
    • Empowering individuals and groups with the knowledge on how to prevent and reduce tobacco use through policy and collective action
    • Informing the public about the harms of tobacco use
    • Engaging tobacco experts, experienced healthcare professionals, and community members and leaders in North Carolina to share their experiences, stories, or recommendations to advance health, equity, and policies that support healthy tobacco-free communities.

Follow North Carolinians for a Tobacco-Free Generation (NCTFG) on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for the latest news about tobacco prevention and control in North Carolina.

Follow us on:

  •  Facebook: @TobaccoFreeNC
  • Twitter: @TobaccoFreeNC
  • Instagram: @TobaccoFreeNC



Since 2006, UNC’s Tobacco Prevention and Evaluation Program has evaluated QuitlineNC, a state-funded tobacco cessation service. QuitlineNC is managed by the North Carolina Tobacco Control Branch and helps connect tobacco users within North Carolina quit to various services to help people quit commercial tobacco use. Examples of services and resources provided include free nicotine replacement therapy, written materials, text support, coaching calls, and behavioral health counseling. Evaluation of the Quitline helps provide insight into who the NC Quitline is reaching, what support services are being used, and how to better reach and serve North Carolina’s residents.

Learn more about QuitlineNC HERE.



UNC TPEP has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services since 1999 to conduct the statewide data analysis for the biannual NC Youth Tobacco Survey. This includes the review of current survey items, development of new items, collaboration with RTI for cleaning and weighting of the data and performing data analyses on tobacco product use. The Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch (TPCB) will provide the NC Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS), and the SAS datasets including state and regional data for middle and high schools sampled in NC.