Andy Colon decided to quit his tobacco addiction and went all out to create a healthier lifestyle for himself. He changed the way he ate, exercised more and, of course, stopped smoking. A friend told him about the Wellness@Work Tobacco Cessation program and Andy loved the idea of getting the support to quit, as well as the convenience of meeting at his workplace. It gave him the “backbone for change.” The free medications and the incentive of $100 for remaining tobacco free for 6 months encouraged him to reach his goal.

Andy Colon decided to quit his tobacco addiction, and went all out to create a healthier lifestyle for himself. He changed the way he ate, exercised more and, of course, stopped smoking.
A friend told him about the Wellness@Work Tobacco Cessation program and Andy loved the idea of getting the support to quit, as well as the convenience of meeting at his workplace. It gave him the “backbone for change.” The free medications and the incentive of $100 for remaining tobacco free for 6 months, encouraged him to reach his goal.
Six months later, Andy’s asthma is under control, his energy level has increased and he is saving money. He also went from borderline diabetes and high blood pressure to normal. Becoming tobacco free, eating healthier, and being physically active all contribute to the sense of health and well-being Andy now experiences.
If you are interested in becoming tobacco free, contact Barbara Silver: 984-974-8455;