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Emily is an undergraduate student at UNC Chapel Hill working towards a Biology B.S. degree with Chemistry and Medical Anthropology minors. Emily’s interest in genetics led her to the Berg Lab where she works on gene curation as part of the NC NEXUS project. She examines and records published literature and relevant data on disease causing genes and their associated phenotypes. This information is used by genetic counselors and physicians to determine which genes have clinically actionable conditions and which of those may one day be reported back to patients undergoing newborn screening.

In addition to working in the lab, Emily is an active member of the Carolina community. Each year she participates in Dance Marathon, which raises money for UNC Children’s Hospital. In the past she has worked as a counselor for the Morehead Planetarium Science Summer Camp. This year she will be trained as a Hotline Advocate for the Compass Center for Women and Families, a local domestic violence shelter. Upon completion of her undergraduate degree in 2016, Emily hopes to obtain a master’s degree in Genetic Counseling.

Emily Anderson