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Advancing Social-Communication and Play (ASAP)

ASAP stands for Advancing Social-Communication and Play: An Intervention Program for Autistic Preschoolers. This intervention program is designed to help teachers, therapists and others foster the development of important communication and play skills in young autistic children, including joint attention and symbolic play skills. ASAP is intended to supplement other more comprehensive intervention programs for young autistic children. Research supports the importance of specific efforts to improve joint attention and symbolic play skills in preschool-aged autistic children to help these children achieve their full potential as they get older.

Why is the ASAP Intervention Important for Autistic Preschoolers?

Autistic children are diagnosed because of challenges with social and communication interactions, as well as a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors and to have a limited range of interests. Almost all autistic preschool-aged children have difficulty with joint attention and symbolic play.

When researchers have looked at what preschool skills are most predictive of how an autistic person will function when s/he is older, language skills are among the most important abilities. Children who have acquired the ability to use spoken language in order to communicate with others by the end of preschool face fewer academic challenges than children who are still nonverbal. Further, research tells us that if we teach joint attention and symbolic play skills to autistic children, they will develop better language and communication abilities. Alternatively, if we do not specifically teach joint attention and symbolic play skills, they will be unlikely to learn the skills, and their language development will not progress as well. So, joint attention and symbolic play are key skills that should be addressed for all autistic preschool-aged children.

Of course, preschool-aged autistic children generally have many needs, and a comprehensive intervention program that helps them develop in many areas is essential. The ASAP intervention is intended for use in preschool programs that are providing comprehensive educational services for autistic children.

What is Joint Attention?

The term “joint attention” describes what happens when two people pay attention to the same thing on purpose. Imagine, for example, that a teacher points to a picture book and says to a child, “Look at this book.” The child looks where the teacher is pointing, and they look at the book together. In this situation, the teacher and the child have engaged in joint attention. Children can also initiate joint attention. Imagine that you are out with your child and your child sees a dog. Your child might look up at you to see whether you also see the dog, and then look back at the dog again. This would also be joint attention – sharing attention to the dog on purpose.

Two preschool-aged children passing a red ball. One is on an adult's lap and the adult is helping her catch the ball
What is Symbolic Play?

Symbolic play involves pretending or using imagination. At a simple level, when a toddler pretends to stir in a bowl that is actually empty, she is pretending that there is something in the bowl. Or when a preschooler picks up a cardboard tube and swings it in front of him like a sword, he is pretending that the cardboard tube is something different from what it actually is. A kindergartner who swoops around pretending to be a superhero defeating the bad guys is also showing symbolic play skills.

Teacher and two preschool-aged boys in a kitchen center in a preschool classroom. One boy is dressed as a chef with a white hat and is cutting a pretend pizza while the adult holds a plate

ASAP Activity Search

Use the search to find activities that match your interests


Illustration of Goal JA4a

JA4a. Child follows a point to more distant objects/events just to share interest in the objects/events/

This occurs when another person points to an object that is out of reach, and the child follows the other person’s point to the more distant object and looks at the other person. Following a point to a more distant object shows the child is learning to follow the line of sight in pointing and beginning to understand that pointing can reference objects that are farther away.

Domain: Social Communication

Category: Joint Attention

Context: Focused/1:1, Generalized/Group

Illustration of Goal RQ1

RQ1. Child reaches for out of reach object to show wanting the object.

This occurs when an object is far enough away that the child cannot touch it, and the child reaches towards the object. This is often an open hand reach, but could also be an action in which the child opens and close his/her hand repetitively. Reaching towards an out of reach object shows that the child wants the object and is beginning to understand that reaching will communicate to another person that s/he wants that object.

Domain: Social Communication

Category: Requesting

Context: Focused/1:1, Generalized/Group