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ASAP Manuals

Description: This occurs when the child pretends that s/he has an object that is not actually present. Using imaginary objects in play shows the child is beginning to understand that s/he can pretend with something that is not represented directly by an object.

Skill Levels across Four Categories of Play

The hierarchies of play visually represent the order in which these skills develop, and the corresponding ASAP goals and objectives to help children build each level of communication and play.

Play Chart
Download Play Hierarchy
What is Symbolic Play? Symbolic play involves pretending or using imagination. At a simple level, when a toddler pretends to stir in a bowl that is actually empty, she is pretending that there is something in the bowl. Or when a preschooler picks up a cardboard tube and swings it in front of him like a sword, he is pretending that the cardboard tube is something different from what it actually is. A kindergartner who swoops around pretending to be a superhero defeating the bad guys is also showing symbolic play skills.