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Looking back on this year, I’m so proud of the many accomplishments of our faculty, staff, and students, despite hard economic times for research funding – it’s quite an impressive group!

Dr. Grace Baranek

I won’t reiterate everything in the newsletter here (just a few things!), but I want to congratulate the many students across our three PhD programs who successfully defended their dissertations in the spring/summer, and also to welcome all the new students and faculty beginning this fall, particularly our two research methodologists, Drs. Wanqing Zhang and Richard Faldowski.

We will be hosting a new series of research forums on September 25, October 23, and December 4, which will give us a chance to introduce new faculty across divisions and showcase their research programs, as well as dialogue about interdisciplinary methodological issues. We encourage all DAHS researchers (faculty, staff, or students) to attend and enjoy lunch – on us!

Last, but not least, I want to personally acknowledge and thank Dr. Lee McLean for her dedication and service over the past 13 years. Her vision, leadership, mentorship, and tireless advocacy for all of our professions in Allied Health have been amazing. Her research vision was realized in the creation of the DAHS Office of Research (DAHS-OOR), expansion of our administrative infrastructure for supporting grants, acquisition of millions of dollars in external funding, and successful recruitment and retention of top teachers, scholar-practitioners, and researchers with national and global reputations. Not too shabby! We wish you well in your retirement, Lee, and we hope to carry your legacy forward.

