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UNC Chapel Hill will host the Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research (TIGRR) workshop January 15-19, 2013, at the Rizzo Center in Chapel Hill.

Building on the proven model used by the Enhancing Rehabilitation Research in the South (ERRIS) workshops, TIGRR brings together mentors with a history of successful grant funding and junior and mid-level faculty in all rehabilitation research disciplines who are on the cusp of success in NIH-funded or similarly funded research.

The Principal Investigator for TIGRR is Dr. Rick Segal and his Leadership Team consists of Drs. Daniel M. Corcos (University of Illinois Chicago) and William Z. Rymer (Northwestern University). UNC faculty members Drs. Brian Boyd, Malcolm Cutchin, Janet Freburger, and Carol Giuliani will serve as mentors for the 2013 session, along with other outstanding faculty members from universities and research centers across the country including NC State. In addition, representatives from NIH, NIDRR, VA, and private foundations will participate.

Competition for slots as mentees was intense with 80 applications for 36 positions. UNC mentees selected include Drs. Lauren Little, Karen McCulloch, and Eniko Rak.

TIGRR is funded by a $623,420 National Institutes of Health grant titled “Intensive Rehabilitation Research Grant Writing Workshops in the United States” to Dr. Segal. The workshop also received support from the UNC-NC State Rehabilitation Engineering Center, NCTraCS, and gifts from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).

Visit for more information about the workshop.