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Physician Assistant Studies Students Return to Wise, Virginia, to Serve Through Remote Area Medical Program

July 10, 2019
Seven students and two faculty with the Physician Assistant Studies program returned to Wise, Virginia, in an effort to provide health care through Remote Area Medical (RAM), a nonprofit mobile medical clinic. RAM delivers dental, vision, and medical care to underserved and uninsured populations at no cost. This year, RAM...

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) features Chelminski opioid research

June 13, 2019
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently featured Paul Chelminski, the director of the Physician Assistant Studies program, in an article titled “Limits on Opioid Prescribing Leave Patients with Chronic Pain Vulnerable.” Paul Chelminski, MD, MPH, FACP, has served as program director since 2015.

Medical Education “Airwaves and Educators” Podcast Launches with Co-Host Janelle Bludorn, PA-C and Clinical Assistant Professor

March 28, 2019
Janelle Bludorn, PA-C and a clinical assistant professor in Physician Assistant Studies, has launched a podcast alongside the PA colleagues, titled “Airwaves and Educators.” The medical education podcast focuses on physician assistant education and features the voices of three co-hosts to provide insight into scenarios a PA educator might encounter.  Bludorn said...

Physician Assistant Studies Professor Janelle Bludorn, PA-C, Featured in The Daily Tar Heel

March 22, 2019
The Daily Tar Heel, the student-run, award-winning newspaper at UNC-Chapel Hill, has featured Janelle Bludorn, PA-C and clinical assistant professor, in a recent article. The article highlights her accomplishments as the 2018 NC Physician Assistant of the Year, her work in point-of-care ultrasound, and as co-host of podcast “Airwaves and...

Janelle Bludorn, PA-C and Clinical Assistant Professor, Featured in Gazette’s “Carolina People”

March 19, 2019
The University Gazette, a publication designed for faculty and staff at UNC-Chapel Hill, recently featured Janelle Bludorn, PA-C and clinical assistant professor in Physician Assistant Studies.

FemInEM Features Janelle Bludorn, PA-C, at TED-Style Annual Conference

February 18, 2019
FemInEM, an organization that works to provide resources for women working in emergency medicine, recently featured Janelle Bludorn, PA-C, and clinical assistant professor in Physician Assistant Studies, at its annual TED-style annual conference, FemInEM Idea Exchange. More than 800 women attended Bludorn’s talk, titled “Trust me, I’m Not a Doctor,”...

Jennifer Bidwell, First-Year Physician Assistant Studies Student and Veteran, Compelled to Serve

February 14, 2019
Jennifer Bidwell is a first-year student in the Physician Assistant Studies program who grew up experiencing the effects of a lack of health care in rural communities. As a student in the class of 2020, she will be equipped to return to a rural environment and to rely on her...

Physician Assistant Studies First-Year Student Selected as Ohio’s Outstanding Airman of the Year

February 5, 2019
First-year Physician Assistant Studies (PA) student Emily Weekes has received recognition as Ohio’s Outstanding Airman of the Year and will go on to compete at a regional level for the same title. The Air National Guard, a branch of the United States Air Force, nominates airmen across six categories to...

Physician Assistant Studies Welcomes Class of 2020 with White Coat Ceremony

January 22, 2019
The Physician Assistant Studies program, housed in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, welcomed the class of 2020 on January 17, 2019, with a white coat ceremony. Among this year’s cohort are seven veterans, who represent service in the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. “What has impressed me most...

Physician Assistant Studies Celebrates Second-Ever Commencement Ceremony

December 17, 2018
The Physician Assistant Studies program, housed in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, held its second-ever commencement ceremony on December 15, 2018.