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Costa, L.C., Spencer, S.V., & Hooper, S.R. (2022) Emergent neuroimaging findings for written expression in children: A scoping review. Brain Sciences, 12(406), 1-17.


Jordan, R. L., Fernandez, E. P., Costa, L. J. C., & Hooper, S. R. (2020). Internalizing and externalizing behaviors of children with writing disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice35(2), 72-81.


Hooper S.R., Costa L.C., Green, M. B., Catlett, S. R., Barker, A., Fernandez, E., & Faldowski, R. (2020). The Relationship of Teacher Ratings of Executive Functions to Emergent Literacy in Head Start. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 33, 963-989.


Costa, L. C., Green, M. B., Sideris, J. & Hooper, S. R. (2018). First Grade Cognitive Predictors of Writing Disabilities in Second, Third, and Fourth Grade Elementary School Students. Journal of Learning Disabilities. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0022219417721182


Costa, L. C., Edwards, C. N., & Hooper, S. R. (2016). Writing disabilities and reading disabilities in elementary school students: Rates of co-occurrence and cognitive burden. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 39 (1), 17–30. doi: 10.1177/0731948714565461


Hooper, S., Costa, L. C., McBee, M., Anderson, K., Yerby, D., Childress, A., & Knuth, S. (2013). A written language intervention for at-risk second grade students: a randomized controlled trial of the process assessment of the learner lesson plans in a tier 2 response-to-intervention (RtI) model. Annuals of Dyslexia, 63(1), 44–64. doi: 10.1007/s11881-011-0056-y


Costa, L. C., Hooper, S.R., McBee, M., Anderson, K., & Yerby, D.C. (2012). The Use of Curriculum Based Measures in Young At-Risk Writers: Measuring Change Over Time and Potential Moderators of Change. Exceptionality, 20(4), 199–217. doi: 10.1080/09362835.2012.724623


Hooper, S.R., Costa, L.C., McBee, M., Anderson, K.L., Yerby, D.C., Knuth, S.B., & Childress, A. (2011). Concurrent and longitudinal neuropsychological contributors to written language expression in first and second grade students. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 24, 221–252. doi: 10.1007/s11145-010-9263-x

Hooper S.R., Costa L.C., Green, M. B., Catlett, S. R., Barker, A., Fernandez, E., Valdes, C. & Faldowski, R. (2021). Executive functions and writing skills in children and adolescents: developmental associations and disassociations. In T. Olive & T. Limpo (Eds.) Executive Function and Writing. New York: Oxford University Press.

Executive Functions and Writing Skills in Children and Adolescents


Costa, L. C., Greene, J. A., & Hooper, S. R. (2020). The relations among the development of written language and executive functions for children in elementary school. In R. J. Dippre & T. Phillips (Eds.) Approaches to Lifespan Writing Research: Generating an Actionable Coherence. Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse.


Costa, L. C., Ahmad, U., Edwards, C., Vanselous, S. Yerby, D. C., & Hooper, S. R. (2014).  The writing side. In B. Miller, P. McCardle, & R. Long (Eds.), Teaching reading and writing: Improving instruction and student achievement (pp.21–33). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Teaching reading and writing


Costa, L. C., Hooper, S.R., Knuth, S.B., Kitson, R., Miller, K., & McBee, M. (2012). Predictive and functional relationships in beginning writer’s translation processes: Lessons from combining longitudinal and instructional research. In M. Fayol, D. Alamargot, & V. Berninger (Eds.), Translation of thought to written text while composing: Advancing theory, knowledge, methods, and applications (pp. 229–248). New York: Psychology Press.

Translation of thought to written text while composing: Advancing theory, knowledge, methods, and applications


Hooper, S.R., Knuth, S.B., Yerby, D.C., Anderson, K.L. (2009). A review of science supported writing instruction with implementation in mind. In S. Rosenfield & V.W. Berninger (Eds.), Implementing evidence-based academic interventions in school settings (pp. 49-83). New York: Oxford University Press.

Implementing evidence-based academic interventions in school settings

Costa, L. C., Fernandez, E. P., Barker, A., & Hooper, S. R. (2024). The Exploration of an Empirically-Based Developmental Model of Writing Quality for Elementary Students presented at the 2024 American Psychological Association Conference, Seattle, Washington.


Costa, L. C. (2022). Response to Intervention of Preschoolers’ Writing. In L.C. Costa (chair) Enhancing Student Writing from Preschool to Middle School panel to be presented at the 44th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Richmond, Virginia.


Costa, L. C. & Hooper, S. R. (2022). Teacher Reported Attention Predicting Written Language in 2nd Graders to be presented at the 44th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Richmond, Virginia.


Fernandez, E.P, Valdes, C., Costa, L. C., & Hooper, S. R. (2021). Exploratory Factor Analysis of Students’ Writing Attitudes presented at the 2nd Biennial Conference of Writing Through the Lifespan, Athens, Ohio.


Fernandez, E.P, Cory, M., Costa, L. C., & Hooper, S. R. Teacher Ratings of Oral Language and Literacy of Children in Head Start presented at the 2021 International Association for the Study of Child Language.


Fernandez, E.P, Catlett, S., Barker, A., Costa, L. C., Faldowski, R. A., & Hooper, S. R. Student-Teacher Relationships in Typical and At-risk Writers in First Grade presented at National Association of School Psychologist 2019 Annual Convention, Atlanta, Ga.


Hooper, S.R., and Costa, L. C. Derivation and Use of Novel Working Memory Measures: Their Prediction of Written Language Functions in Young Elementary School Children presented at the 2019 International Neuropsychological Society conference, New York, NY.


Costa, L. C., & Hooper, S. R. Efficacy of SRSD Writing Intervention: 4 years of Evidence to be presented at Council for Learning Disabilities 2017 Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.


Costa, L. C., Hooper, S. R. & Greene, J. A. The Relations among the Development of Written Language and Executive Functions in Elementary Aged Students presented at the 2017 American Psychological Association conference, Washington, DC.


Fernandez, E.P, Jordan, R. L. P., Costa, L. C., & Hooper, S. R. Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors of Children with and without a Writing Disability presented at the 2017 Biennial Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Austin, Texas.


Costa, L. C., Hooper, S. R., & Sideris, J. Progress Monitoring: Curriculum Based Measures in Writing with Students with Writing Disabilities presented at the 2017 Writing Research Across Borders conference, Bogota, Columbia.


Costa, L. C., Hooper, S. R., & Sideris, J. Efficacy of SRSD Writing Intervention: Middle School Randomized Control Trial presented at the 2016 Institute of Education Sciences Principal Investigator meeting, Washington, DC.


Costa, L. C., Hooper, S. R., & Sideris, J. Three Years of SRSD Writing Intervention: Middle School Randomized Control Trial presented at Council for Learning Disabilities 2016 Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.


Hooper, S. R., Green, M. B., Costa, L. C., & Sideris, J. First Grade Predictors of Early Elementary School Writing Skills through Fourth Grade presented at the 2016 International Neuropsychological Society conference, Boston, MA.


Edwards, C., Yerby, D, Costa, L. C., Sideris, J., & Hooper, S. R. Vocabulary Development in Typical and At-Risk Elementary School Writers presented at National Association of School Psychologist 2016 Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.


Costa, L. C., Hooper, S. R., & Sideris, J. Efficacy of SRSD Writing Intervention: Middle School Randomized Control Trial presented at the 2015 Institute of Education Sciences Principal Investigator meeting, Washington, DC.


Costa, L. C., Lanz, K., Sideris, J., & Hooper, S. R. Relationship between Teacher Ratings and Student’s Written Language presented at the 2015 American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Ontario.


Costa, L. C., Sideris, J., & Hooper, S. R. Written Language Problems in Middle School Students: SRSD Intervention presented at Council for Learning Disabilities 2014 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pa.


Costa, L. C., & Hooper, S. R. The Utility of Curriculum Based Measures in Writing for Students Who Struggle with Writing. In S. R. Hooper (Chair), Writing Across the lifespan: Advances in the Neurological Underpinnings, Measurement, and Intervention.  Symposium conducted at the 2014 Writing Research Across Borders III Conference, Paris, France.


Hooper, S.R., Costa, L. C., McBee, M., Anderson, K., Yerby, D., & Knuth, S. Preschool predictors of later writing skills. In C.L. O’Donnell (Chair), Paying attention and learning. Symposium conducted at the 2010 Annual Institute for Educational Science Research Conference, Washington, DC.


Hooper, S.R., Costa, L. C., McBee, M., Anderson, K., Yerby, D., & Knuth, S.  The importance of executive functions in a Response-to-Treatment paradigm. In C.L. O’Donnell (Chair), Cautions and considerations: Conducting randomized control trials of attention interventions in schools. Symposium conducted at the 2010 Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, Massachusetts.


Hooper, S.R., Costa, L. C., McBee, M., Anderson, K., Yerby, D., & Knuth, S. Neurocognitive foundations in early written language. In C.L. O’Donnell, & E. Albro (Co-Chairs), Learning in the brain: Neurocognitive functions underlying academic achievement. Symposium conducted at the 2010 Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, Massachusetts.


Hooper, S.R., Costa, L. C., Kitson, R., Anderson, K.L., Yerby, D.C., Knuth, S.B., & McBee, M. Neuropsychological contributions to the reading-writing connection: Writing language disorder-only versus written language+reading disorder presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Acapulco, Mexico.


Childress, A., Hooper, S.R., Yerby, D., Anderson, K., Knuth, S., Costa, L. C., & McBee, M. Response to intervention in written language for young elementary school students. Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Louisiana School Psychological Association Conference, Lafayette, Louisiana.


Hooper, S.R., Yerby, D., Anderson, K., Knuth, S.B., Childress, A., Costa, L. C., & McBee, M. Development of written language in young elementary school students. In E.S. Shapiro (Chair), Translating the science of literacy to psychology practice in schools. Symposium presented at the 2009 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Hooper, S.R., Yerby, D., Anderson, K., Knuth, S., Childress, A., Costa, L. C., & McBee, M. Response to instruction in written language for young elementary school students: Preliminary findings presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute for Educational Science, Washington, DC.


Hooper, S.R., Costa, L. C., Yerby, D.C., Anderson, K.L., Knuth, S.B., Childress, A., & McBee, M. The development of written language in young elementary school students.  In B. Miller (Chair.), Writing development from early to middle childhood: New interdisciplinary findings and models.  Symposium presented at the 2009 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.


Childress, A., Hooper, S. R., Anderson, K., Yerby, D., Knuth, S., Costa, L. C., & McBee, M. Early problems in written expression: Preliminary neurocognitive findings presented at the 2009 National Association of School Psychologists Convention, Boston, MA.


Knuth, S.B., Hooper, S.R., Anderson, K.L., Childress, A., Yerby, D.C., & Costa, L. C. The co-occurrence of behavior problems in children at-risk for writing difficulties presented at the 2009 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.


Hooper, S. R., Anderson, K., Yerby, D., Knuth, S., Childress, A., Costa, L. C., & McBee, M. Neurocognitive Functioning of First Graders At-Risk for Problems in Written Expression presented at 2008 annual meeting of Institute of Education Sciences, Washington, D.C.


Hooper, S. R., Anderson, K., Yerby, D., Knuth, S., Childress, A., Costa, L. C., & McBee, M. Neurocognitive Functioning of First Graders At-Risk for Problems in Written Expression presented at 2008 annual meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii.