Simrat Arora is a fourth-year medical student from Cary, NC who is pursuing Internal Medicine. She is interested in using QI to improve physician efficiency and address healthcare inequities. She has previously worked to increase social determinants of health screening at the UNC Internal Medicine Clinic at Panther Creek. Simrat is currently working with Dr. Karina Whelan and Dr. Ana Bermúdez on promoting equitable care for Hispanic, Latinx, and Spanish-speaking patients with diabetes.
CLQS Project
Promoting equitable care for Hispanic, Latinx, and Spanish-speaking patients with diabetes
Karina Whelan, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the Community-Based Longitudinal Care (CBLC) Clerkship
Ana Laura Bermúdez, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Assistant Director, Comprehensive Advanced Medical Program of Spanish (CAMPOS)