Effective quality improvement presentations are designed to capture the hearts and engage the minds of the audience. Presentations that are too data heavy can be dull and hard to follow while presentations that rely too much on anecdotes and sentimentalism can come across as lacking scientific merit. The following presentation guidelines and elements will help you create a quality improvement presentation that captures the best of both worlds.
Presentation Guidelines
- Presentations should be engaging and stimulating.
- Presentations about quality improvement projects lend themselves to a narrative format so your presentation should tell the story of your project including the highs & lows, twists & turns.
- Improvement is all about trial and error so it’s critical that your presentation reflect some of the error!
- Emphasize the value your improvement project provides to patients, families and clinicians.
- Rehearse and time your presentations.
Presentations should address these elements
- Project Aim
- Explanation of Need for Improvement
- Patient Perspective (or care team member perspective if patient perspective not appropriate)
- Annotated Run Charts (2-4) – the annotations help you tell the story of the project
- Sustainment Plan
- Spread Plan (if appropriate)
Additional resources to help you craft a masterful presentation are listed below.
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