Accommodations Information for OSCE/NBME Exam
The School of Medicine collaborates with the Accessibility Resources & Service (ARS) Office in order to provide reasonable accommodations for medical students with disabilities, chronic medical conditions, a temporary disability or pregnancy complications resulting in difficulties with accessing learning opportunities. All accommodations are approved through ARS and although you already may be approved for testing accommodations, the nature of exams and assessments during your clerkship are different. Therefore, we ask that during the first week of each clerkship, students with approved accommodations please:
- Review the list of exams and assessments on the clerkship website/Sakai page.
- If accommodations are requested, contact the appropriate person listed below, and list the exams and assessments for which accommodations are requested.
- Send this information to ARS accompanied by the specific request for accommodation.
- Notify Carol Carden,, of your accommodation needs.
ARS will determine reasonable accommodations and will work with each of the contact people to ensure the accommodations are implemented appropriately.
Students with questions about qualifying for accommodations should contact the Accessibility Resources & Service Office. In the first instance please visit their website, call 919-962-8300 or email
Contacts for Accommodations:
Charlotte Campus Students
Celeste Colcord – 704 446-5556
All Other Students
Deborah Ingersoll – 919 843-6171