Geriatric Fellow
Email: emmy.yang@unchealth.unc.eduGeriatric Fellow
Email: addisonrniles@gmail.comBusiness Officer
Family Nurse Practitioner
Kayla received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Michigan in 2013 (Go Blue!) and her Doctor of Nursing Practice/Family Nurse Practitioner from Saint Mary’s College in 2020. Kayla started her career in the University of Michigan Emergency Department prior to moving to North Carolina in 2015, when she joined the UNC Emergency Department. Her passion for helping her patients and coworkers led to several years on the UNC ED leadership and management team, where she was directly responsible for re-configuring the ED during the COVID pandemic to process patient workflows and covid testing. After receiving her DNP/FNP in 2020, Kayla transitioned to UNC’s Department of Otolaryngology where she worked as an FNP. Most recently she was the Nurse Education Coordinator overseeing all clinical staff education and training in UNC’s outpatient clinics. While she enjoyed the opportunity to grow her leadership skills, she is excited to be joining the Geriatrics team and work with her favorite patient population.
Outside of work, Kayla enjoys spending time with her husband and son (at the beach if possible!). She serves on the Saint Mary’s College Nursing Advisory Council and is currently part of a team writing a publication about mentorship between undergraduate and/or graduate mentees and alumni mentors. She also continues to support the Kyembogo Holy Cross Health Centre in Kyrasozi Uganda, where she implemented an electronic health record system as part of her doctoral dissertation.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Email: rachel_eliach@med.unc.edu2024-2025 Geriatric Fellow
2024-2025 Geriatric Fellow
2024-2025 Geriatric Fellow
2024-2025 Geriatric Fellow
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Office: 984-974-6599Administrative Support Specialis
Office: 919-843-4096Email: debra_hall@med.unc.eduAssociate Professor