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Stephanie Sweitzer, MD, MSPH | Division of Infectious Diseases

Stephanie Sweitzer, MD, MSPH

Third Year Fellow

Stephanie Sweitzer, MD, MSPH

Third Year Fellow

Areas of Interest

HIV implementation science in SSA, syphilis screening and treatment.


I came to UNC because I knew that I would receive strong clinical training in infectious diseases at UNC, and I was excited about the research opportunities that were available, especially the chance to develop my skills in implementation science abroad. I was struck by how approachable the faculty were, and I felt that UNC was a place where I would have access to incredible mentors who would support me in reaching my professional goals. It was also important to me to train at a public institution that provides care to the underserved.

  • Undergraduate

    University of Virginia

  • Graduate School

    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

  • Medical School

    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

  • Residency

    Emory University