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Tiffany L. Breger, PhD, MSPH | Division of Infectious Diseases

Tiffany L. Breger, PhD, MSPH

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Contact Information


130 Mason Farm Road
CB# 7030
Chapel Hill, NC 27599


Tiffany L. Breger, PhD, MSPH

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Areas of Interest

HIV clinical outcomes; epidemiologic methods; causal inference; comorbidities; cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment; health disparities; causes of mortality


Dr. Breger’s mission as an epidemiologist is to inform clinical and public health strategies to improve health outcomes among people with HIV. To this end, Dr. Breger develops and applies quantitative methods to: 1) evaluate and compare clinical endpoints among diverse populations of people with HIV and 2) estimate impacts of potential interventions targeting non-AIDS risk factors and comorbidities using observational data. In particular, Dr. Breger has developed statistical approaches for accurately estimating effects of treatment policies on HIV clinical outcomes in the presence of missing data. Additionally, she has developed frameworks for incorporating multiple causes of death in analyses to better characterize evolving mortality trends in the modern HIV treatment era. Dr. Breger’s substantive research has largely focused on smoking, depression, and hypertension among people with HIV. Dr. Breger’s current research seeks to characterize disparities in cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment among people with or at risk for HIV in the US and quantify the impact guideline concordant treatment on clinical outcomes.

  • Undergraduate

    University of California - Berkeley

  • MSPH

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • PhD

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill