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Scott Randell, PhD - Division of Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine

Scott Randell, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Scott Randell, PhD

Contact Information

Academic Office:


Room 1117 Marsico Hall, 125 Mason Farm Rd.
CB #7248
Chapel Hill, NC 27599


Scott Randell, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Areas of Interest

Lung and airway stem cells, lung and airway innate immunity, cystic fibrosis, in vitro models


Dr. Randell’s reserarch focuses on airway and lung innate immunity, cell biology and stem cells. He has over 215 total peer-reviewed publications, reviews, book chapters and a book editorship. He is on the Editorial Board of two leading lung journals and is an active peer reviewer for journals, NIH and numerous national and international granting organizations. He serves on American Thoracic Society Committees and has organized and spoken at many national and international meetings. Dr. Randell directs the UNC Marsico Lung Institute/Cystic Fibrosis Center Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core, a nationally and internationally recognized resource, whose services are sought for collaboration, contract research, and training by academics, non-profit organizations, biotech and the pharmaceutical industry. Recent work is focused on surmounting the challenges of novel therapies for cystic fibrosis and other lung diseases.

  • Undergraduate

    The State University of New York at New Paltz

  • PhD

    Environmental Health Sciences from Johns Hopkins University

  • Fellowship

    Duke University