UNC Eastowne
100 Eastowne Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
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We care for a broad range of patients with a wide spectrum of pulmonary diseases at multiple clinic locations. Many of our clinics utilize multidisciplinary expertise such as respiratory therapy, pharmacy, nutrition, social work, and psychology. We also collaborate with other medical subspecialists in rheumatology, allergy, and radiology to care for our patients. Additionally, we care for critically ill patients at our state-of-the-art 30-bed medical intensive care unit (MICU).
We see patients at a number of clinical sites throughout the triangle. The majority of our patients are seen at our Eastowne clinic location. Our Transplant evaluations and clinic appointments occur at UNC Hospital.
We are applying advanced science to the ongoing search for new ways to treat disease, while providing clinical trial participants with top-notch, compassionate care from a team of dedicated healthcare professionals.
We invite you to learn more, and find out if a clinical trial might be right for you.
Learn More About Our Clinical TrialsMy UNC Chart is a safe, secure and convenient patient portal that allows you to access your health information when it is convenient for you.