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Graduate Student, Peyton Sandroni, Successfully Defends Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Thesis

June 27, 2023
Congratulations to Peyton Sandroni, a graduate student, whose main focus is pharmacology, currently in Dr. Jensen’s Lab, for successfully defending Ph.D. thesis. Peyton passed his Ph.D. Defense, titled, “The Alpha-1A Adrenergic Receptor Regulates Oxidative Metabolism in the Mouse Heart!”, on June 26, 2023, under the mentorship of Brian Jensen, M.D....

Graduate Students, Gabrielle B. Bais, Emily “Gracie” Clark, And Tiffany Riascos Admitted To University Of North Carolina (UNC) Integrative Vascular Biology (IVB) Training Program

June 27, 2023
        Congratulations to Gabrielle B. Bais, a graduate student with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Biology and a part of the Cell Biology and Physiology (CBP) curriculum, currently in Dr. Giudice’s Lab, Emily “Gracie” Clark, a graduate student with a Bachelor’s Degree (BC) and a part...

Graduate Student, Selin Altinok, Successfully Defends Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Thesis

June 12, 2023
Congratulations to Selin Altinok, a graduate student, whose main focus is spinocerebellar ataxia, Alzheimer’s research, and more specifically, stress granules, currently in Dr. Schisler’s Lab, for successfully defending Ph.D. thesis. Selin passed her Ph.D. Defense, based on her groundbreaking research, accomplished in the Schisler Lab, that sheds light on the...

Postdoctoral Fellow, Sophie Maiocchi, Ph.D., Accepts Offer From Wake Forest University School of Medicine

June 12, 2023
Congratulations to Sophie Maiocchi, Ph.D., a Leon and Bertha Golberg postdoctoral fellow in the Research Group of Edward Moreira Bahnson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology & Physiology; Center for Nanothechnology in Drug Delivery; McAllister Heart Institute, for accepting a tenure-track assistant professor position at the Department of Biomedical...

The Polacheck Lab Publishes On The Development Of Patient Cell-Derived Matrix For Vascular Disease Modeling In Acta Biomaterialia

June 12, 2023
Congratulations to the Lab of William Polacheck, Ph.D., an MHI member and Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Member, Cell Biology and Physiology Curriculum, UNC Medicine; Member, Comparative Medicine Institute, NCSU, for publishing on the development of patient cell-derived matrix for vascular disease modeling in Acta Biomaterialia. For this manuscript, titled...

Janet Rubin, M.D. Selected For The Carolina Women’s Leadership Council’s Faculty-To-Junior Faculty Mentoring Award

June 12, 2023
Congratulations to Janet Rubin, M.D., Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professor; Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine; Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism; Joint Professor, Pediatrics and Pharmacology; Adjunct Professor, Bioengineering, for being selected for the Carolina Women’s Leadership Council’s Faculty-To-Junior Faculty Mentoring Award. Dr. Rubin receives this...

Postdoctoral Student, Jessica Cote, Receives Pilot & Feasibility (P&F) Award From The UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) And The Supporting, Promoting And Launching The Expansion Of Nutrition, Diabetes And Obesity Researchers-North Carolina (SPLENDOR-NC) Program

June 1, 2023
Congratulations to Jessica Cote, a graduate student and research assistant in the Giudice Lab, for the receipt of P&F award from the UNC NORC and SPLENDOR-NC Program.             Her proposal, titled, “Clathrin alternative splicing regulation of mitochondria function in skeletal muscle”, is a 1-year grant....

Graduate Student, James Isaiah (Ike) Emerson, Receives Marzluff RNA Fellowship Award From The UNC Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Discovery Center

June 1, 2023
Congratulations to James Isaiah (Ike) Emerson, a graduate student and research assistant in the Conlon Lab, for recently receiving the Marzluff RNA Fellowship Award from the UNC RNA Discovery Center. Ike is the inaugural recipient of this fellowship award, a 1-year grant, which provides stipend support for his studies of...

Postdoctoral Student, Ameya Chaudhari, Receives GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Fellowship Award

May 17, 2023
Congratulations to Ameya Chaudhari, a postdoctoral student, in Dr. Nguyen’s Lab, for recently receiving a GSK Fellowship Award. The GSK Fellowship is strategically awarded to applicants who have made an outstanding contribution to the graduate program, demonstrate evidence of outstanding research accomplishments, and have the potential for a highly successful...

Boa Kim, Ph.D. Receives Pilot & Feasibility (P&F) Award From The UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) And The Supporting, Promoting And Launching The Expansion Of Nutrition, Diabetes And Obesity Researchers-North Carolina (SPLENDOR-NC) Program

May 17, 2023
Congratulations to Boa Kim, Ph.D., a MHI member and Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine, Nutrition Obesity Research Center, Lineberger Cancer Center, for the receipt of P&F award from the UNC NORC and SPLENDOR-NC Program. The grant, titled, “Do endothelial lipid droplets buffer the kinetics of lipid transport?”,...