Congratulations to Gabrielle B. Bais, a graduate student with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Biology and a part of the Cell Biology and Physiology (CBP) curriculum, currently in Dr. Giudice’s Lab, Emily “Gracie” Clark, a graduate student with a Bachelor’s Degree (BC) and a part of the Biochemistry and Biophysics curriculum, currently in Dr. Flick’s Lab, and Tiffany Riascos, a graduate student with a Bachelor of Science (BS) and a part of the Pharmacology curriculum, currently in Dr. Wirka’s Lab, for all being admitted to the UNC IVB Training Program.
Gabrielle, Gracie, and Tiffany’s UNC T32 IVB Training Program fellowship awards are funded by the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and connects trainees in broad areas of cardiovascular research by requiring them to collaborate with secondary mentors outside of their field, provides trainees with a broad understanding of cardiovascular development and disease, and enhances the skills necessary for effective collaboration and career advancement.