Our work in COVID-19 research has been featured in multiple news reports and interviews with Dr. Dirk Dittmer:
- 2021, July 20: $15 million NC project launching soon to track COVID-19 variants by Bridget Chapman with CBS17
- 2021, July 19: The sequencing study was also picked up by DeJuan Hoggard with ABC.
- 2021, Feb 9: Interview with Maggie Newland, CBS 17
- UNC professor studying virus’ mutations says vaccine boosters may be needed
- 2021, Jan 27: UNC Health Talk with Radhika Talwani Bombard
- 2021, Jan 23: Interview with WRAL
- 2021, Jan 20: Interview with Judith Retana, CBS 17
- 2020, Dec 22: Interview with CBS 17
- 2020, Dec 11: Interview with the WSJ
- 2020, Nov 6: Interview with Rick Martinez, WPTF radio
- 2020, Nov 5: Interview with Zachery Eanes, News, and Observer
- 2020, Nov 2: Interview with CBS 17 (Zak Dahlheimer)
- 2020, Oct 29: Interview with WCHL/Chapelboro (Elle)
- 2020, Oct 27: Interview with Debra Morgan, WRAL News
- 2020, Oct 27: Interview with Maggie Newland, CBS 17
- 2020, Oct 20: UNC Press Release on Cell Reports paper
- Tracking the SARS-CoV-2 Virus with Genome Sequencing
- 2020, July 22: UNC HealthMedia on You Tube
- 2020, July 8: Spectrum News 1: Experiment with Masks in Lab
- 2020, June 29: Interview with The Washington Post
- 2020, April 5: Thermo Fisher Press Release