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Dr. Flavio Frohlich, along with colleague Dr. Jenny Bizley, has received a $750,000 Human Frontier Science research grant.

Flavio Frolich, PhD

Dr. Flavio Frohlich with colleague Dr. Jenny Bizley has received a $750,000 Human Frontier Science research grant. The title of their research is “A control systems approach to understanding brain and behavior.”

Frohlich is an Assistant Professor in Psychiatry. His research combines electrophysiology, computational modeling, and engineering principles to investigate how cortical networks generate physiological and pathological activity states and how perturbations can be used to modulate these states. Bizley is a Senior Research Fellow at the Ear Institute at the University College of London. Her primary research aims to unravel how neural activity in auditory cortex uses the spectrogram provided by the ear to reconstruct the sounds within our rather cluttered acoustic environments.

Research grants from Human Frontier Science are provided to scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise to answer questions that otherwise could not be answered by individual laboratories.