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  • Michelle Itano: Leading a core, inspiring a community

    As Director of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Neuroscience Microscopy Core, Michelle Itano develops state-of-the-art imaging whilst training scientists far and wide. Here’s how she became a core facility leader that is forging collaborations between researchers and data scientists to drive bioscience forward. Original article continued here.

  • Morika Williams is Demystifying Pain

    Williams, a former KL2/K12 scholar with NC TraCS, began her career as a veterinarian—but is now studying pain in both animals and humans. Pain is a tricky thing to measure. Unlike metrics such as blood pressure, heart rate or even cancer presence—all of which can be assessed with a test—diagnosing pain relies almost entirely on … Read more

  • Andrew S. Rachlin UNC Neuroscience Symposium 2024

    The 2024 Andrew S. Rachlin UNC Neuroscience Symposium took place on Thursday, September 26 and featured talks from Dr. Kate Wassum, Dr. Julieta Lischinsky, Dr. Michael Bruchas, Dr. Kim Ritola, and Dr. Hugo Tejeda. Thank you to our neuroscience community for making it a great day!

  • Small RNA Molecule Discovered to Have Role in Driving Aging

    UNC School of Medicine researchers Mohanish Deshmukh, PhD, professor of cell biology and physiology, and Praveen Sethupathy, PhD, a former professor of genetics and current chair of Biomedical Sciences at Cornell University, show that a molecule called miR-29 is instrumental in driving the aging process. Original article can be found here.

  • Personalized Brain Stimulation Significantly Decreases Depression Symptoms

    In a small pilot study, UNC School of Medicine researchers led by Flavio Frohlich, PhD, used a new closed-loop system to measure the electrical brain patterns of individual patients and then stimulate those patterns with a weak electrical current, resulting in significantly improved symptoms of major depressive disorder. Original article found here.