Every day, Dr. Johnson’s smiling face can be seen moving between patient rooms in the Horizons’ onsite OB/GYN clinic, leading the weekly women’s health group, triaging medical questions/concerns for the women and children to prevent unnecessary urgent care and ER visits, consulting with other staff members on patient cases, and training a new generation of providers in Horizons’ model of integrated care.
Recently, Dr. Johnson jumped into action to help Horizons navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. As the only onsite medical provider, she worked with UNC’s health system to ensure that Horizons complied with the rapidly changing directives regarding patient care, personal protective equipment (PPE), infection control and prevention. Such work involved constant emails, Zoom meetings, and phone calls to secure the information and supplies to meet Horizons’ needs, followed by trips to deliver PPE and support to the staff providing 24/7 care at Horizons’ two residential programs. She offered advice about new ways to safely deliver services, and addressed the fears of patients and staff.
Under Dr. Johnson’s leadership and guidance, and with amazing teamwork from the entire team, Horizons has risen to the challenge of this pandemic and is continuing to provide critical treatment services and a sense of safety to the women and children in all its programs. Thank you, Dr. Johnson!